Eighty one

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Jimin coughed, sniffling after. His nose as well as his cheeks were tinted with a red blush. Jimin whined, stretching his aching limbs weakly.

What's wrong with me?

He sat up with droopy red eyes, ignoring how dizzy he felt. He rubbed both of his hands together in a way to warm them up.

He stood up slowly but he was instantly met with a wave of nausea making him collapse down.

But he didn't fall on the ground, instead someone's arms.

"Who the fuck..."

"Don't curse."

Jimin shut himself up, willingly letting himself lay down on the bed as Jin knelt beside him.

"You've fever, where the hell were you last night?" Jin said with a frown as he put his palm on Jimin's forehead.

Jimin smiled lazily. "I missed you hyung," He whined.

"Shut up, young man, answer my question."

"I was.. Outside." Jimin breathed out.

"At night?"

"At night."

Jin furrowed his eyes, shaking his head in disapproval. "I've told you so many times not to go outside at night." He said dramatically sighing after.

Jimin smiled wider, sniffling after.

"How do you feel?" Jin asked.

"Do you want me to be honest?"


"I feel like I want to puke," Jimin whined. "But I haven't eaten since morning."

Jin looked at him with a frown. "What the actual fuck, Jimin?"

"Don't cur-"

"Do you want to sleep?" Jin asked, cutting Jimin off. Jimin shook his head with a small pout. "I'll make you some soup, hopefully you'll feel better drinking that."

"I don't wa-nt to," Jimin coughed.

"You need to, I'm not gonna listen to any of your complains." Jin said before walking to the door.

"Do you know the way?" Jimin asked, wiping a tear sliding down his side. "I can help you."

"I know the way," Jin said. "Don't stand up again now."

Jimin pouted in defeat. "Okay. You've to answer how do you know it after you come back."

Jin went out the room ignoring Jimin like he didn't hear him.

"I hate youuuu." Jimin whined. He sunk on the middle of the mattress, gazing at the ceiling, counting the seconds since he had nothing to do anyway.

One.. Two.. Three.. Four..

...seventy eight.. Seventy nine.. Seventy ten.. Wait, seventy ten? Seventy... Seventy.. Where was I again?

Jimin furrowed his eyebrows. "Ah I lost count."

One.. Two.. Three.. Four.. Five

...fifteen hundred and eighteen.. Fifteen hundred and ninety.. Fifteen hundred and... And.. And? Fifteen hundred and-

The door swung open revealing Jin with a tray and pot on the top of it. "I'm sorry it took some time." He said, smiling apologetically as he closed the door with his one leg and made his way towards Jimin.

"Some time?" Jimin sniffled. "You took fifteen hundred and... And ninety one seconds."

Jin chuckled. "You were counting?"

"Of course! How can I not count the sec-" Jimin sighed. "Well, anyways."

"Sit up," Jin said and Jimin did wiping his eyes. "Are you crying?"

"No! I don't know why but my eyes keep tearing up since I woke up," Jimin croaked out.

"It's simple, you've cold and fever." Jin said, sitting down on the bed with the tray in his hands.

"Hyung... I don't want to drink it." Jimin pouted.

"Come on, do you want to stay sick forever?" Jin asked and Jimin shook his head, still pouting. "Drink this to recover fast, sit up."

Jimin slowly sat up, back touching the headboard of the bed as he leaned onto it. He rubbed his forehead.

"Open your mouth," Jin said and Jimin did as Jin fed him.

"I can drink it myself you know?"

Jin looked at him like he just offended him. "Here, hold this." Jin handed him the empty spoon and Jimin held it with visibly shaking hands.

Somehow, the weight of the spoon seemed very heavy.

Jin smiled sarcastically. "I can clearly see that very well," He said making Jimin pout, he took the spoon back as he continued feeding Jimin.

"Good boy," Jin ruffled Jimin's hair when he finished the soup. Jimin hummed sleepily. "Let's get you to sleep now." He said, tucking Jimin in the warm blanket.

"Don't.. Leave just yet," Jimin said, each word taking huge energy to be spoken.

"I'm right here, don't worry," Jin said sitting beside him, leaning on the headboard.

Jimin rested his head on Jin's lap while Jin started stroking Jimin's hair fondly.

It took a while until Jin could tell Jimin was asleep completely judging by his breathing pattern.

He slowly scooted from Jimin in which Jimin responded by a small whine. He froze for few seconds till Jimin went back to sleeping peacefully.

He sighed in relief and shifted gently till Jimin was sleeping on the pillow.

I would've stayed here a bit more if I didn't have work to do.

Jin sighed. He snapped his fingers from which a white smoke mixed with pink appeared. A paper and a pen on top of it.

He wrote a letter and kept it under the pillow beside the one on which Jimin was currently sleeping. Jimin always had a habit to put his hands under pillows so he was sure Jimin would be the only one to find it.

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