Because Big Sister

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Because Big Sister
Be nice,
Be kind

Big Sister,
Don't get mad,
Be Patient

Big sister,
Set an example,
Don't show your emotion

Big sister,
Don't cry
Are you weak?

Big sister,
Be strong,
Be perfect

Big sister,
"Tell them what's happening"
Now why would I do that?

Big sister,
"They just don't understand"
Well my sincerest apologies,

Big sister.
Cut the crap.
Do it right.

Big sister,
Well it's your fault
Be more responsible

Big sister,
Put it all on her,
She can take it.

Big sister,
You're not doing it right.
Try again.

Big sister,
Don't shed tears when there's nothing to cry about,
You entitled bitch

Big sister,
Get it right,
They're looking

Big sister,
Why are they always looking?

Because big sister,
It's always you.

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