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Quick note(s)!

I'm performing this one at an open mic ( hopefully ) next week. I actually cannot wait but I'm also nervous asf


This poem was written to be spoken, not read. So it sounds much much better being spoken lol. If the video from the open mic place gets posted, maybe I'll put it on here?

Anyway lessgo


Attention, please
It is what I asked for
Though teenagers,
they don't really get attention

And if they do,
then it's not the right kind
of attention

They're doing drugs,
they're having sex
Oh no, it couldn't be
They're standing up for the things
that matter to them

Attention please
now that I have it,
I guess I should
Use it,
right? right

Because a few words
Don't change the world
Unless they're something as simple as
"no contraceptives allowed"
"no defunding the police"
"no standing up for control inside communities"

Attention please,
it comes out weaker
because our voices seem to face away
at the hands of the government

But they cannot stop us
Because we may not have weapons
But if our voices are our swords
And carefully crafted words
are our shields,
Then we are practically battle ready

So attention please,
because all the king's horses
and all the king's men
cannot put us
back together again

We are too far gone,
simply black and white,
two sides with so much
and disgust
that the only teenagers
who get attention
are the same teenagers
who go to schools
and murder children

Attention is what I asked for
but if this is the kind of attention
that I will receive,
then attention no more, please

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