Chapter Eight

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Groaning as the light penetrates my eyelids, I bury my head under the sheets. Who is waking me this early in the morning? "Come on gurl," groans a familiar voice, "you promised we would go shopping!" Slowly I open my eyes and am greeted with Breanna 15 centimeters from my face. "Dude, you got some wicked morning breath," she gasps as she pegs a small white object at me, "have a mintie."

"Come on girl," I groan, "can't a guy sleep?"

"Not if that certain person, wants Maccas," she chuckles, "now if I don't see your butt downstairs in 10 minutes then I will come back up here and do you know what."

Throwing a pillow at her escaping frame I groan, and get out of bed. Dragging myself to my wardrobe, the pounding in my head forces me to recollect what happened last night. Oh Shit! I kissed Dylan! and wait... how did I get here after I passed out? "Fuck," I yell as I remember the almost kiss I had with Craig. Why did Dylan have to ruin it? "because that's what he does, he ruins you life," replies a small part of my brain. Sighing I pull a pair of skinny jeans, graphic t, and converses. If I was going out today, I was going to do it my way. Going over to my bedside table, I see a piece of paper folded in half. Curious I pick it up, and read 'Don't judge yourself by what others did to you.-  C Kennedy.'  Below it is Craig's scrawl, 'Next time we go out, I will kiss you, with or without Dylan watching'

Sighing I grab my phone and wallet and make my way downstairs. Just as I reach the kitchen, I hear Breanna bellow, "30 Seconds! or so help me." Chuckling I walk into the room and poke my tongue out at here before sitting down and starting to eat an omelet that she had obviously prepared. "No human should be up this early," I groan as I continue to eat.

"Don't be ungrateful," she chides as to tries to take my food away.

"Thanks mum," I reply sarcastically as I continue to shovel the food in my mouth.

After I am finished I mumble, "don't think this is getting you out of buying me maccas," and she rolls her eyes. Chuckling I throw my plate in the sink, and grab my keys., "come on then," I say, "let's do this."

3 hours later my feet are killing me and my arms are sore. Sitting on one of the plastic chairs in the food court I dive into the pile of greasy food in front of me. Moaning, I continue to stuff my face.

"I have half a mind to take back those chips," huffs Breanna.

"What?" I ask with my mouth still full of food.

"First off, gross, don't talk with your mouth full, and second this food was a thank you for coming to Dylan's party. And yet I don't even see you there! What's up with that?" She growls.

"Hey, I'm sorry," I start once I swallow my mouthful, "I had a crazy night, between kissing Dylan and passing out, there really wasn't much time to see you. Although in my defense I was looking for you before I ran into Dylan."

"Wait rewind. You what?" she screeches as she grabs my hands pulling me close. "Tell me everything!"

"Okay," I sigh, "but you need to clam the f down girl, people are starting to stare. So Craig went to go get us drinks and I went to look for you. Ended up in the hallway and ran into Dylan. He kissed me first and I pushed him off me and ran out into the lounge-room. Drank, danced, almost kissed Craig and passed out." I breathe out and return to my food.

"Holy shit," she breathes.

"Where were you anyway?" I ask and look up as she turns pink. "Breanna," I growl.

"Making out with John," she blushes.

Chuckling I turn back to my food, she obviously does not remember that John is gay. 



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