Chapter Ten

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As I sit in the car with Craig, I feel my cheeks turn red. After what happened at the party, I can't think clearly around him. And the note! As my head swirls I listen to the music. "I love this song," I say as I move along to the music, "I am so obsessed with supernatural." As the conversation continues I realize how much this boy and I have in common, and what this might mean to me. Before long we are at school, blushing I thank him and climb out of the car heading to first period.


Breathing a sigh of relief I make my way to the lunch area, this day is so long. Particularly when I don't have a pair of blue eyes to look at. Climbing in next to Breanna I open up my lunch and start to eat. A few moments later Craig sits down next to me and gives Bre a fist bump. It makes me insanely happy how these two are getting along. As we talk and laugh I see a figure making their way towards us. As he comes into view I realize that it is Dylan and I turn away, half embarrassed- half angry.

"Well hello," he spits.

"Leave us alone Dylan," I spit back, just wanting to be left in peace.

" I notice that little Craig, is sitting with you today. Have a fun ride to school did we?" he snarls.

" Leave him alone," snaps Craig standing up, " Kyle is no longer a priority to you."

Sneering Dylan replies, " Well lookey here, little Kyle has gone and got himself a bodyguard. I'll see you round," he spits before turning around and walking away.

Breathing a sigh of relief I pull Craig down next to me and hold his hand. This boy is amazing.


As the school day comes to an end I make my way to the bus, just wanting to go home and tackle Mt Homework. Bumping into someone I apologize and keep walking.

"Hey Kyle," says a familiar voice, "you really think I'm gunna let you catch the bus?"

Chuckling I turn round and walk over to Craig, who is now leaning against some lockers, earning glares from some juniors. Laughing I pull him off the wall and his arm automatically falls around my shoulder. Not wanting to register how perfect this feels I walk in time with him and try to control my breathing. Soon we are at his car and I climb in plugging in my phone and putting on 'born this way' by Lady Gaga. Chuckling Craig climbs in and we are soon driving out and leaving the school behind. As we drive I trace a figure eight on his thigh and feel his effort as he tries to stay focused on the road. As we pull up to my house, I climb out and make my way to the front door.

"Kyle," Craig yells from behind me, "come back here!"

Chuckling I turn and ask "what?"

"I was wondering," asks a nervous Craig, " if you would go on a date with me. A real one this time, no parties or stupid ex-boyfriends."

Realizing how good they sounds I pull Craig into a hug, whisper "yes," in his ear and then turn and walk to my front door. It is only then that I turn around, wave at a stunned Craig and enter the house.






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