Chapter Six

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As I frown into the mirror, my reflection frowns back at me. Why can I not find a single thing to wear? Sighing I call in back up, "Hey gurl, get you butt over here I need help."

Ten minutes later, Breanna is standing in front of my wardrobe scouring through it. After a few moments she pulls out a pair of dark red skinny jeans, with a silver chain attached to the hip, and a nice white v cut t-shirt. Throwing them at me she pushes me into my bathroom and I begin to change.

A few moments later I emerge and go and stand in front of my wardrobe mirror. "Well you look hot," she says, as she sits on my bed, "to bad you aren't straight." Laughing I sit down next to her and grab her round the middle, "If I was then you would be the first to know," I chuckle. Standing up I walk to the wardrobe mirror, rough my hair and then look at myself. Knowing I could do no better I grab my phone to look at the time. As I look at the time, I hear the doorbell ring. Gasping I force all my nervousness inside and walk down the stairs, followed soon after by Breanna. As I pass the kitchen I peck my mum on the check and walk to the door. As I open it I am shocked, there stands Craig, looking hotter than ever. He is wearing jeans, a leather jacket and a black t-shirt. Trying to remember how to breathe, I once again scan him up and down, noticing how his shirt clings to his firm chest. As I hear a groan from behind me I am reminded that we are not alone, as Breanna steps out from behind me she mutters, "stop checking each other out and just kiss," and I flush. Closing the door behind me I walk up to Craig and to my surprise he hooks his arm through mine, making me laugh. "So you ready?" he asks. "As I'll ever be," I state nervously as we make the 'long journey' from my front door to Dylan's a total of 25 steps. 



As we arrive, I knock on the door and wait for someone to open. Once inside, I feel the eyes of everyone one us. Nervously I state that I will get drinks and clamber over to the table. It's not that I am ashamed of being gay, it's just that I haven't been with a guy in public together for a while. Sighing, I pour myself a beer. Whatever this boy is doing to me, I am in big trouble. 


As Craig leaves, I scout the area for Breanna, where is that girl? We were together like five minutes ago! Giving up on trying to find her in the huge swarm of people that is the living room, I head down the hallway. As I continue walking, the music seems to fade and I find myself in a familiar part of the house. Deciding to head back I see a figure in the dark, dismissing it as a couple, 'getting some air' I continue to walk. To my surprise it is non other than Dylan.  

"Hey Kyle, what you doing down here?" he smirks.

"Looking for Brianna," I snarl, "you seen her?"

"Not down here I haven't," he smirks again.

Ignoring him I try to make my way past, but he stops me.

"Where do you think, you're going?"

Sarcasm, dripping off my tongue I start "to look for Bri...", but before I can finish he pushes me against the wall and his mouth consumes mine. As our lips touch, the flame of our relationship is rekindled, and I forget about everything that went wrong between us, nothing but the feeling of his lips on mine. However, one small part of my brain alerts me that something is wrong. As time passes this continues to grow, until I realise what I am doing and push Dylan away. Without looking back I run, breathless, into the living room again, all thoughts of finding Breanna forgotten.

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