Chapter Seventeen

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Hearing my alarm sound I groan and roll over. Why should I wake up? School can't make me. Evilly grinning I hit snooze and try to go back to sleep. Unfortunately this plan is thwarted by my mother and a bucket of ice.
"Get up now young man or a swear I'm not going to feed you for a week!" She growls walking out of my room.
Chuckling I get out of bed and head to the shower, not actually needing the water to wake me up.

Stepping out I dry myself and scruff my hair up, going for the al-natural look. Throwing a pair of boxer briefs on I walk downstairs and grab myself a bowl of cereal.
"Although I raised you, I do not wish to see your naked figure anymore," says my mum hitting me in the back with a towel.
"That is child abuse," I say placing my bowl in the sink and running after her with a towel of my own.

Whipping each other with the towels we laugh as each strike finds skin.
"Okay that's enough," laughs mum, "you need to go upstairs and get ready and I have to go to work," before kissing me on the cheek and getting ready to walk out the door.
"Bye mum," I say before going upstairs and putting on a black v-necked t-shirt and a pair of pale pink pants.

Hearing a knock on the door I grab my phone, bag, and keys, and walk downstairs locking the door behind me. Giving him a quick peck on the lips I follow Craig to his car and climb in putting on 'love today' by Mika. Today was going to be a good day.

Sitting down at our table I sit down next to Bre and immediately start to eat, feeding my stomach monster.
"Wow someone's hungry," teases Craig causing me to glare. No matter what though Craig is my rock right now. After he dropped me off last night he called me and we talked for ages, me unloading to him what Dylan told me. He didn't judge me or offer anything but support which is exactly what I needed, any decision I make about this needs to be my own.
"That's because he is a pig," Bre states and starts to eat herself.
"Look who's talking I say," and continue to eat at a fast pace.

Once finished I happily goof off with the gang, joking around. Seeing Dylan off in the distance hanging with his mates and Rachael I smile, maybe I really am over him. Dylan notices me staring and gives me a wave before returning to his conversation. Turning my attention back to the group I realise that Craig has suddenly tensed up, exhibiting how much muscle he really has. God Kyle get your head out of the gutter!
"Craig," I ask cautiously, "is something wrong?"
"Everything's fine," he growls and stands up throwing his lunch in the bin and walking away.
"There are starving kids in Africa!" Yells Bre as she turns her attention to me. Unfortunately for her I jump up and follow Craig before she can say another word.

Seeing him enter the bathroom, I enter cautiously, "Craig, are you okay?" Seeing Craig leaning over the sink I immediately rush to his side, causing him to brush me away. Trying to ignore the hurt I ask, "what's wrong? And don't say nothing because you can't bullshit a bullshiter."
"Fine," sighs Criag, "it drives me bat-shit when I see my boyfriend waving at his ex boyfriend who hurt him so deeply that he couldn't even get in a serious relationship until I practically begged him."
"Craig you have nothing to worry about, Dylan and I are barley even friends, the only person I care about that way is you." And before I can shut my stupid mouth I say, "I love you."
Once again I feel Craig tense beside me and I look at him shocked. Why did I say that? Does he want to say it back? Please God help me right now!
"Kyle," Craig starts cautiously and I already know where it is going. Jumping up I leave him there and go to leave, whispering, "forget about it," as I step out the door to hear the bell signalling the end of lunch.

Somehow, I make  home with completely falling apart. Of course Craig doesn't love me, is is way to soon for that and even then is this relationship that serious? Why would any guy love me? I should go vegan- no more guys that live in this neighbourhood, no matter how cute their ass is.

Sighing I leave my now completed mountain of homework and lie on my bed hitting shuffle on my phone as I door so. Hearing a knock on the door I ignore it hoping that either mum will get it or they will go away. Sure enough a few moments later mum enters the room and hits me in the foot.
"A really nice attractive man is waiting downstairs for you, so go and be the well mannered son that I know you are," she sweetly threatens.
"Fine," I sulk. No man is worth the hassle that my mother can give if I am being 'rude'.

As I stand at the top of the staircase my breath leaves me, at the bottom is a new version of Craig- tuxedo edition and I admit my favourite. Slowly descending I am still weary, why is he dressed like this if he doesn't love me?
"Would you please accompany to the backyard?" asks Craig wearily and I nod taking his hand and follow him to the back door. Once outside I let Craig lead me behind the massive tree and my breathe leaves me. There is a string on fairy lights strung from the fence to the tree and a picnic set up. Sitting on the blanket I look at Criag, why is he doing this? From nowhere he pulls a bottle of champagne and opens it, leaving me to gaze at my beautiful surroundings. Once I have a glass in my hand, I look back to Craig. Nervously he takes a sip and I do the same, eyes widening at the taste.
"Kyle," starts Craig and I look into his eyes, "I wanted to say how sorry I am for how I reacted today. The last time those words were said to me it was my ex-boyfriend trying to convince me, that I should sleep with him. And once I did he left me saying it was nothing serious and that I shouldn't get worked up."
"Criag," I gasp shocked.
"But that is not why I did this for you today Kyle, I wanted to do this to show you that I love you, and that although we have been together for only a short amount of time, you are my everything."
Letting those words sink into my brain, I see Craig move towards me and I don't have a second thought when I move into him and put my lips to his.


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