Chapter Four

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As the school day draws to a close, all I can think about is Craig. Will he be on the bus again? Is he even gay? What did he mean, by saying that we make a great couple? Almost running to the bus I climb on to see my drama partner enthusiastically patting the seat next to him. Sliding in, I chuckle, "You are such a dork," before pulling out my phone and handing him an earphone. Testing his true music knowledge I put on 'Billy Brown' by Mika. 10 seconds in chuckles and looks at me, "really?"
"What?" I ask.
"This is one of my favourite songs," he smiles and then looks out the window.
The rest of the bus ride is the same, him looking out the window smiling and me looking at him. So what? Maybe putting that song on was a way to test his sexuality? Shoot me.
Climbing off the bus I put my earphones back in my pocket, wave good bye to Craig and walk home.
Hours later, I am sitting at my desk still doing homework, when I hear my phone ping with a text. It's Craig.
'While it was all going accordingly to plan, then billy brown fell in love with another man'
Gasping I feel my head reel. What does this mean? Is he telling me he is gay? Not knowing what to do I text my bitch, breanna. 'Hey gurl, the new guy Craig just quoted billy brown at me, what do I do?' A few moments later I hear a reply, 'Craig? Who is he? You have been holding out on me:( If he is quoting that at you he has to be gay, right???' Chuckling I reply, 'I don't know that's why I messaged you, I'll tell you everything at lunch tomorrow'
Immediately she replies, 'you better'
Chuckling, I put my phone down and thank god for such a good friend, she is one of the few people who knows what really happened with Dylan. She is one of those people who hasn't changed since the day I met her.
"Hello class, we have a new student here today. His name is Kyle. Please make him feel welcome here."
"Heloooo Kiraaaaa," the class replies, clearly disinterested in me. This was not unusual as I move around a lot, but I made mum promise that this would be the last move, so here I am on the last first day of my primary school life. Walking to my seat I fell all eyes on me checking me out, or evaluating where I should stand on the social ladder. Like I said this isn't my first rodeo. Sitting down I start to take my books waiting for the class to be over.

As the bell rings I slowly get out of my seat and slowly make my way to lunch. This was going to be fun! Not. Choosing a random bench I sit down and pull out my lunch. Not wanting to be a loner, my eyes survey the area around me for a 'likeable' person. Sitting to my left are a bunch of girls giggling and watching a bunch of guys having a food fight. Feeling a tap on my shoulder I whirl around, "Hey, so I hear your new here, I also heard a rumour that you got kicked out of your last school for spray painting a classroom."
Laughing, I survey the girl in front of me, short overalls with pig tails(not my type), smiling I reply, "That's an interesting rumour, I'm Kyle, what's your name?"
" Breanna," she says as she shakes my hand all professionally. "So," she starts, "do you want to sit with me?"
And I do, instantly connecting with the strange girl in pig tails.
[End Flashback]
Since that day, we were best friends. Always supporting me the time I came out was no different, "Omg, now I have a GBF(gay best friend)!!!!" Lying on my bed I let sleep take me, my last thought a girl in pigtails.



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