Chapter One

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I sighed as I leant forward and closed the window leaving behind his sad face and eyes. How could I forgive him? I could barely forget what he did to be only a short time ago. Wrapping my favourite blanket around me, I crawled into my bed and entered an endless sleep.


As the alarm rung in my ear, I was woken from a horrid sleep. Still, after 3 months he was still in my dreams. Pulling myself out of bed, I walk towards my wardrobe, what to wear? Grabbing the first thing I see I pull on a pair of jeans and a t-shirt, guess it was going to be one of those days. As I walked down the stairs I got a delightful scent, BACON! Running the remaining steps, I glide into the kitchen and sit at one of stools, starting to shovel my delicious breakfast in my mouth. "Morning sweetheart," said my mum as she placed her own cup of coffee on the bench and lent down to give me a kiss."Hi mum, Bye mum love you," I say as I slide off the stool and grab my bag, heading for the bus. I am so lucky to have such an amazing mum. I remember the night I came out to her


Palms sweating I sit next to mum on the couch. "Mum, I have something to tell you," I stutter. "Uhoh," she says, "this doesn't sound good." Okay here goes, I think as I force out the next few words, "I'm Gay." "Oh honey," she states, "I'm so happy for you!" Relieved I release a breath I didn't know I had been holding.


Now matter what, I think my mum will always accept me for me, which makes me the luckiest son in the world. Closing the front door behind me, I clamper down the front steps, heading for the bus stop. "Hey," says a voice from behind me, "need a ride?" Groaning I turn around and look at the one person that ruined my world. "No thankyou," I spit and turn to start walking again. "Please?" he begs. Realising that I could save the bus fare I reluctantly jump the fence and climb into the passenger seat. As he slid in next to me I moved as far away as I could, "Just because I am riding with you, does not mean anything has changed," I spit. "I understand," he says as he starts the ignition.

As we make our way to school the silence is unbearable, full of hurt feelings, of words unsaid and of betrayal. In an attempt to drown out the silence I turn on the radio to a channel I know we both like. After what seems like forever, we pull up at school. Without waiting a second, I bolt out the door. "Kyle wait!" he yells, but I don't turn around, I just keep walking.


As the school day passed quickly, I welcomed lunch with open arms. Walking into the eating area, I walk toward my usual table to see my bestie already seated. "Hey bitch!" she yells, "where were you on the bus this morning?" Rolling my eyes I open my lunch, and say "I got a ride in with Dylan, okay? And I'll let you know now that I wish that I had caught the bus." "YOU WHAT?" she screeched. "It was nothing okay, can we just get on with out day?" and finally she let it go.

As the bell rings, I stand and walk to my next class. Finally after a dull lesson of maths, and a science experiment, the 3:00 bell rings and I jump out of my seat, not waiting to be dismissed. Climbing on the bus I pay my fee and sit down, plugging in my earphones. However, as the bus begins to fill I realise I will have share my seat and move my bag so someone can sit down. As I feel the seat dip, I do not look at the person next to me. Suddenly, I feel a tap on my shoulder and I turn around to be meeted by the bluest pair of eyes I have ever seen. "Can I help you?" I ask. "I was wondering what your were listening to. I can hear the bass and it sounds epic." Surprised I hand him and earphone and watch as his face as he listens to my immortal, by evanescence. "So?" I ask. "Good, but I really prefer tourniquet over this." Shocked I stare, "You know evanescence?" "Well yeah," he states, "I love them." Feeling my heart jump I begin to check him out, and let me say, the more you look the yummier he got. From his blue eyes to his jaw, he was perfect. Chuckling he held out a hand, "I'm Craig." "Kyle," I say as I take his hand and shake it.

As we continue to talk we find more and more things that we have in common, and before long I realise my stop is next. "Well it was nice to meet you," I say as I go to get off. Shaking my head I get off, I wonder if he is gay? I mean he was really hot. " Wait!" I hear a voice behind me and I turn around, "this is my stop too," says a flushed craig, "I live in that house there," he says as he points out the house across from mine. "Wow," I say shocked, "that's opposite mine." "Cool," he grins, "hey I was wondering, can I have your number?" Wait what? Is he asking me as a friend or otherwise? Oh the struggles of being gay. "Sure," I say as I take his phone and input my number. "Well, seeya round," I state as I turn and walk home.


As a lie on my bed pondering the sexualtiy of my new neighbour, my knocks on my door. "Come in," I state as I sit up. "Hey honey," she says as she hugs me, "I saw that you got a ride from Dylan today, does that means things are getting better?"

"No mum," I state, "I just didn't want to pay for the bus."

"Okay," she states, "honey, know that I love you and that whatever Dylan did you didn't deserve, but this issue isn't going to go away, why don't you try and talk to him?"

Sighing I submit, "Okay mum I will talk to him."

"I love you, honey, dinner is in 1 hr," she says as she heads out the door.

Groaning I roll over and drag myself to my desk and start to tackle the mountain of work I had received, leaving all thoughts of the mysterious hot neighbour behind.

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