Ten - Death by Jung

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T E N  -  D E A T H   B Y   J U N G

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T E N  -  D E A T H   B Y   J U N G

Childhood? Which childhood?
The one that didn't last?
The one in which you learned
to be afraid...? 

? ❞

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        ANY OTHER TIME , if Tyler was playing with strands of her hair, with his mint breath mixed with spiked punch hitting her in the most sensitive spot of her ear, Kate would melt on the spot.

But she could only look at the clock. Would Stefan have gone home by now?

Elena had disappeared into the crowd to look for Jeremy and Caroline deliberately accidentally forgot to invite her to the get together after the candle lighting.

Conversation milled around the small booth, everyone sitting in everyone's laps and extra chairs scraping as new people joined them. Chips were thrown across and pop spilt on the table. Most people at the table would lick off it if triple dog dared.

Elena was supposed to be the designated driver and like every other hope and responsibility in their lives, Kate was left to carry that task on her shoulders. She didn't want to drink though, she just did not want to drive.

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