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It was now morning. Hazal opened her eyes and groaned. "Oh my head." She said whilst putting her hand on her head. "I am never drinking again." She slowly sat up and looked around the room. "I wonder where Vartolu is?" She mumbled and then she stood up from the bed. "Did he even sleep in here last night?" She wondered. I am never drinking again. I need coffee. She thought and then she made her way out of the room and walked downstairs.

She entered the kitchen to see Vartolu and Medet talking to each other. "Sorry for interrupting. I just want to get some coffee." Hazal said. They both turned to look at her. "We were wondering when you would surface." Medet said. "How's the head?" Vartolu asked. "Painful." Hazal said. "Too much alcohol tends to do that." Vartolu said. Hazal rolled her eyes and Medet chuckled. "Are you sure you don't want paracetamol instead of coffee?" Vartolu asked. "How about paracetamol AND a cup of coffee?" Hazal said. "You were busting a few moves last night on the dance floor." Medet said. Hazal mentally facepalmed while Vartolu laughed. "I really should be supervised around alcohol." Hazal said. "Don't worry, you will be in the future." Vartolu said. Hazal sighed and Medet giggled. Vartolu's phone rang and he took it out of his pocket. "I need to get this." He said. "Selim, what's up?" He asked whilst walking out of the kitchen.

"So I hear you are joining us at East Coast after spring break?" Medet asked and Hazal nodded. "Yes. I'm looking forward to getting back to work." She said smiling. "You don't hear many people saying that." Medet said and Hazal giggled. "I bore easily doing nothing." She said. "Well you won't be bored today. Because we are going to the beach." Medet said. "The beach?" Hazal said excitedly. "Yes." Medet laughed at her reaction. "I love the beach. Its been years since I've been there." Hazal said. "Years. Really?" Medet asked. "Yeah I was fourteen. I went with my um my..." Hazal stuttered and looked down. "Acutally nevermind. I think I might just stay here and study instead." Hazal said looking back up at Medet and he frowned. "You are coming to the beach. And we are going to have fun whether you like it or not." He said. Hazal rolled her eyes and sighed. "Ok you win. I am going to get ready." She said. "Nehir and Aylin will be there." Medet said. "Oh. So Vartolu and Nehir made up?" She asked. "Yeah I think he called to her dorm room last night." Medet replied. "Ok. I am going to get ready." Hazal said and walked away.

Vartolu was talking on the phone and he seemed very annoyed. "What the hell does that mean Selim?" He raised his voice. "It means don't trust the girl. We don't know what the deal is yet but Hazal Deniz doesn't exist." Selim said over the phone. "How is that possible?" Vartolu asked. "We don't know yet. All we know is she came to live with Kaan three years ago. Where she was before that we don't know yet." Selim said. Vartolu took a deep breath. "Is she even his daughter?" He said. "We don't know yet Vartolu. There is every possibility she is working for Kaan." Selim said. "What happens now?" Vartolu asks. "Baba wants you back in Istanbul today with the girl." Selim says. "Well that's not happening. I have plans for the spring break." Vartolu shouts. "Come on Vartolu. You know it's a lot easier to just follow orders. I can tell him you will be here in a few days and see how he takes it." Selim says and Vartolu sighs. "Fine." He put his phone in his pocket and Medet walked towards him.

"Everything ok?" Medet asked. "Don't ask." Vartolu says. "Hazal is gone to get ready. She is coming with us." Medet says. "Good, I need to keep her where I can see her." Vartolu said. "Why? What's going on?" Medet asked frowning. "I will tell you later man. I can't be dealing with it right now." Vartolu said. Medet nodded and then the two walked out of the room.

Vartolu walked in his room to see Hazal sitting on the bed on her phone. "Oh hey." She looked up at Vartolu and smiled. "Hey. I need to use the shower." Vartolu said. "It's all yours." Hazal replied. But before Vartolu walked she stopped him. "So, Medet said you and Nehir sorted things out." She said. Vartolu looked at her and nodded. "That's good." Hazal said and gave him a small smile. "It is." Vartolu said and then walked inside the bathroom. Hazal sighed. What the hell is wrong with me? Why am I bothered about Nehir? She thought and then she rolled her eyes. I'm not bothered by her. I just miss Kenan. Then she stood up and gathered her clothes ready to head off to the beach.

Blurred Love - Vartolu SadettinWhere stories live. Discover now