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Hazal woke up to the sound of knocking. She rubbed her eyes and sat up from the bed. "One minute please." She shouted out. She stood up and fixed the bed. "Come in." She said. Karaca entered the room and Hazal gave her a smile. "Hey. I thought you would be ready to go to lunch?" Karaca asked. "What time is it?" Hazal asked. "Lunch time." Karaca said. "I'm so sorry. I must have fallen back asleep. Give me 20 minutes and I will meet you downstairs." Hazal said. "No problem. I will wait for you in the kitchen." Karaca said. But before she could walk away Hazal spoke. "Have you seen Vartolu this morning?" Hazal asked. "Yep. He went to the warehouse a few hours ago with dede." Karaca said. "Ok. I will be prepared in 20 minutes." Hazal said and quickly ran to the bathroom. Karaca laughed and then walked out of the room.

At the warehouse, all the men were sat down and discussing about what happened. "So have we any leads on last night?" Idris asked. "Nope." Selim said and shook his head. "Deniz was there. Would he really set up an attack on a venue that he is in?" Metin asked. Selim chuckled. "Fucking sure he would." He said. "It's the perfect alibi." Kemal spoke. "And we are not having any issues with anyone else right now." Emmi said. "Except whoever is tampering with the containers?" Metin said. "That has to be Deniz. Other than us, his men are the only people that come in contact with the containers." Vartolu said. "I don't give a damn about the containers. I want to know who was behind the shoot out on my fucking area." Idris shouted. Then the room fell silent. "We have enough to go on to believe it's Deniz." Emmi spoke. "I agree. It's time we take down Deniz and the Bronze Dragons once and for all." Metin said. "No. It's too risky right now." Selim said. "I agree. Kaan has upped his security lately." Idris said. "We couldn't get to Kaan right now without risking the lives of our own men." He said. "Maybe that's what we need to do to finish this." Kemal said. "No. We stick to the plan. First we need to find out who the girl really is." Idris said and faced Vartolu. Now everyone was facing him and Vartolu rolled his eyes. "You need to up your game, Vartolu. You are our mole on the inside where Kaan is concerned." Selim said. "I don't see how. She seems to hate Kaan as much as we do." Vartolu said. "But why? That's what we need to find out." Idris said. Then Vartolu's phone vibrated on the table and he picked it up. "It's Hazal." He said reading the message. "What did she want?" Idris asked. "Just wondering if we found out who the shooter is yet." Vartolu said putting his phone back on the table. "Tell her nothing. She could be feeding the information back to Kaan." Selim said. "We don't know that yet." Vartolu said. "Exactly Vartolu. We know nothing about her yet. So start pushing her for information." Idris raised his voice. "Ok, calm down. I will work on her tonight." Vartolu said. "Where is she now?" Selim asked. "Gone out to lunch with Karaca." Vartolu said. Idris glared at him. "You let her take your niece out alone?" Idris shouted. "More like Karaca took her out." Vartolu said. "Get the damn car." Idris shouted. "Get me answers on the shooter, Selim. I want them tonight." He continued shouting. Selim nodded and then Vartolu and Idris made their way outside.

Hazal and Karaca were walking down the streets and then they stopped in front of a cafe shop. "What would you say to cupcakes for lunch?" Hazal asked. Karaca jumped up and down excitedly. "I would say lead the way!" She squealed and Hazal laughed. They were now in the cafe and were eating cupcakes. "So what's Vartolu like as an uncle?" Hazal asked. "He is the best. He is not around as much as I would like, but he calls me most days." Karaca said. "I also have a brother too, his name is Akin. I also don't get to see him as much as I would like." She said. "I always wished I had a brother." Hazal said. "Have you any siblings?" Karaca asked. "A half sister that I wish would disappear." Hazal said. "Really? Is she that bad?" Karaca asked. "The worst." Hazal said and then the two laughed. "So how did dinner go last night?" Karaca asked. "Um.. Dinner was.." Hazal stuttered. "Interesting." She said. "How so?" Karaca asked. Hazal shrugged. "Just strange listening to others deciding the details of your wedding." She said. "I don't know how you and Vartolu do it. No offence but I would never agree to an arranged marriage." Karaca said. Hazal chuckled. "You are right. Don't ever agree." Hazal said. "Why did you agree?" Karaca asked. "I really didn't have a choice." Hazal said. "Well, you could have done worse than Vartolu." Karaca said. Hazal laughed. "Is that so?" "It seems so. All my friends think he is hot stuff. But personally, I can't see it myself." Karaca said. Hazal laughed again. "I have to agree with your friends. He is very hot." Hazal said and the two laughed.

Idris and Vartolu walked towards their table. "Who is hot?" Vartolu asked. Hazal blushed whilst Karaca laughed. "None of your business. It's girl talk." Karaca said. "Dede what are you doing here?" She asked. "I'm here to give you a lift home." Idris said. "But I am not ready to go home." Karaca said. "Sorry kiddo, but I need to borrow Hazal for a few hours." Vartolu spoke. "Can't it wait, uncle? We are having a good time." Karaca angrily spoke. "I'm afraid not, Karaca. But you can do lunch again soon." Vartolu said. "Come on, kizim. I have work to get back to." Idris said and then he walked away. Karaca rolled her eyes and turned to Hazal. "I will see you at home later." She said. "Sure." Hazal replied. Karaca stood up and walked away with a sulking face. Vartolu sat in her space. "Aww, poor Karaca. She looks so sad." Hazal said. Vartolu chuckled. "Not sad. Just sulking. She is the biggest baby when she doesn't get her own way." He said. Hazal laughed. "So what's this all about?" She asked. "Let's go to the club. We can talk over a drink." He said. "It's the middle of the day." Hazal said frowning. "So?" Vartolu said. "Why don't we go back to the house first and change." Hazal said. "Why would we do that?" Vartolu asked. "Because, then we can go to the club and make a night of it." Hazal said rolling her eyes. "But what you are wearing is fine." He said. "In fact, I am loving you in that leather jacket." He said and winked at her. Hazal laughed. "Thank you, but I would still like to change all the same." She said. Vartolu sighed. "Ok if you must." He said. Then the two walked out of the cafe.

Hazal had finished getting ready and she was putting a few things in her purse. She was wearing a short black v neck dress. She was just about to leave the room when her phone rang in her purse. She took out her phone and took a deep breath. Shit, it's baba. "Hello?" She answered. "What the hell are you playing at?" Kaan raised his voice through the phone. "Nothing, why?" Hazal asked. "So what was last night about? You agreeing to the wedding being brought forward?" Kaan said. "I had to agree. I think they are on to me." Hazal said. "They are not on to anything. So you just stick to the plan. Do you hear me?" Kaan said. "Yes." Hazal shakily said. "Don't make me have to warn you again, Hazal." Kaan said and then he ended the call. Hazal slowly lowered her phone and let out a sigh.

Vartolu was walking up the stairs to enter his room when he bumped into Idris. "Where are you going?" Idris asked. "To the club." Vartolu said. "I said get answers from her. Not fucking wine and dine her." Idris raised his voice. "I told you already, I need to get her to trust me first. So either let me do it my way or do it yourself." Vartolu said. Idris was silent and he squinted his eyes at him. "I mean it, baba." Vartolu said. "You have 1 week." Idris said. "Then I will get the answers out of her my way." He shouted and then walked off. Vartolu rolled his eyes and walked towards his room. Hazal was standing near the window, gazing outside. Vartolu entered his room and spoke. "Are you ready to go?" Hazal put on a fake smile and she turned around. "I am." She said. "You look good." Vartolu said. "Thank you and so do you." Hazal said. "Let's go." The two made their way out.

The two made their way inside the club and went to order drinks. "What do you want to drink?" Vartolu asked. "I will have a Jack and Coke please." Hazal said. Vartolu nodded and clicked his fingers to get the bartender's attention. After receiving the drinks, he walked to Hazal. "Here you go." He said handing her the drink. "Thank you." Hazal said and took a sip of it. "So how did you get on with Karaca today?" Vartolu asked. "Great. She is lovely." Hazal said. "So you keep saying." Vartolu said sipping his drink. "So any news on the shooter?" Hazal asked. "Nope. Not yet." Vartolu said. Hazal nodded and then put her drink on the table. "Who do you think it was?" She asked. "No idea yet. But we will find out." Vartolu said. "You are very confident." Hazal said. "We have eyes and ears everywhere." Vartolu said. "Oh." Hazal mumbled. "I need to use the bathroom. I will be back in a minute." Vartolu said and he walked away. 

Vartolu was splashing some water on his face and then he looked at himself in the mirror, deep in his thoughts. I know I don't have any answers yet, but I don't think Hazal is a spy. He thought. She just doesn't seem to have it in her to hurt anyone. I just hope she opens up to me soon. He thought. Then he walked out of the bathroom and made his way back to her. He walked past large crowds of people until he reached her. But when he did, he stopped in his tracks and balled his fists as he saw Hazal kissing Kenan. He glared angrily at the two.

Damn, what is Hazal up to? What will happen next between Vartolu and Hazal? Find out in the next chapter. Thank you all for reading, vote+comment and I'll see you in the next one. Bye! 😘

Dede = grandfather/granddad  :)

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