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Hazal paced back and forth inside the room she was locked in. I need to get back to Turkmenistan. She thought. I can't believe Vartolu is going to marry Defne. She sighed. Dad has my passport. If I can get out of here, I need to get to the Embassy of Turkmenistan. Hazal's thoughts were interrupted when Ferhat unlocked the door and walked in. She glared at him. "What do you want?" She asked. "Just bringing you some food or would you rather I let you starve?" Ferhat said.

"Just let me out of here. I need a shower and some clean clothes, you idiot." Hazal shouted. "You better sort that attitude before your father gets back." Ferhat shouted back. Hazal scoffed. "And when the hell is he coming back? I have been locked up here for days." She said. "He will be back later today. And he is not happy with you." Ferhat said. "Why? What did I do?" Hazal asked. "It's what you didn't do that's the problem." Ferhat said.

Hazal glared at him. "Marry Vartolu. That's all you were asked to do." Ferhat said. "And you couldn't even do that right." He raised his voice. "Oh, just get out Ferhat." Hazal said. Ferhat stared at her before laughing. He walked out of the room locking it behind him. I actually can't trust anyone. They're all the same. Hazal thought. She walked near the window. I miss mum so much. She wiped a tear that was starting to fall onto her cheek.


At the warehouse, Idris and Selim were inside the CCTV room. "Have you heard anything yet?" Selim asked. "No, Kaan still hasn't called. I think it's time to go ahead with the attack." Idris said. Selim nodded. "I agree. Where do we start?" He asked. "We start at their safe house. I don't think Kaan is stupid enough to keep Vartolu at his house." Idris said. "We need to be careful about this. We don't know what condition Vartolu is in." Selim spoke.

Idris sighed. "Kaan will not kill Vartolu. Not unless he kills me first." He said. "I know but we need to get Vartolu out before we attack." Selim said. "How are we going to do that?" Idris asked. "Not sure yet. But I will think of something." Selim said and Idris nodded. Their conversation was interrupted by Selim's phone ringing.

"Hello?" He said. "Kaan. We were wondering when you were going to crawl out of your hole." Selim said angrily.

*Phone call (S: Selim, K: Kaan)*

K: "Selim, you should be nice to me. Unless of course you want a bullet in the heir of The Kocovalis."

S: "You wouldn't dare."

K: "Wouldn't I? Are you prepared to take the risk, Selim?"

S: "If you were going to kill Vartolu, you would have done it already. So why don't you tell us what you want?"

K: "Isn't that obvious? I want the boss. A straight swap, Selim. The boss for the heir."

S: "That's not happening."


Idris frowned at Selim. "What does he want? Give me the phone." He said and grabbed the phone off Selim's hand.

I: "Kaan, you harm a hair on Vartolu's head and I will kill you. I will kill you all."

K: "You are hardly in any position to make threats, Idris. You should have stuck to the deal."

I: "You broke the deal the second you had me shot. So, what the fuck do you want Kaan?"

K: "Oh, that's easy. I want you in exchange for Vartolu."

I: "Deal."

K: "I knew you would see things my way. I will be in touch."

*End of phone call*

Blurred Love - Vartolu SadettinWhere stories live. Discover now