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Hazal screamed and took a step back as Kenan pointed the gun at her. "Kenan, put the gun down. I know you don't want this." Hazal said. Kenan stayed silent and continued to point the gun at her. "Kenan please." Hazal trembled. Kenan narrowed his eyes and Hazal closed her eyes, praying that he would put the gun down.

At the warehouse, Vartolu walked towards Idris who was sitting on the stool sipping his drink. "Well today, has been a big waste of time." Vartolu said sighing. Idris rolled his eyes, "We have to follow up all leads." He said. "Kemal doesn't look too sick anymore." Vartolu said. "Miraculous recovery." Idris said. "Yeah, right. I'm going for a drink." Vartolu said, narrowing his eyes at Idris. "Do you not think you should be getting home to your fiancee?" Idris spoke before Vartolu could leave. "She is not even answering the phone to me now. Are you coming for a beer?" Vartolu said. Idris shook his head, "No. I told Sultan I would be home early." He said. Vartolu smiled sarcastically at him, "What a good little husband you are." He said and then laughed at Idris who shook his head and smirked at him.

Vartolu and Selim were at the bar drinking their beers. "So, how are things going with Hazal?" Selim asked. "Not good." Vartolu said sipping his drink. "Did you get any information out of her?" Selim asked. "No. But I am just going to ask her straight when I get home." Vartolu said. "Just be careful." Selim said. Vartolu nodded, "I will." He said. He then put his drink on the table and stood up from the stool. "I better get home and sort this out." He said. "What happened between you two last night?" Selim asked raising his eyebrow. "Just a misunderstanding." Vartolu said. "Anyway, I better go and sort things out with the fake love of my life." Vartolu said grabbing his jacket. Selim chuckled, "Alright, see you later." He said and Vartolu waved at him.

Vartolu arrived at home and went upstairs to his bedroom. When he entered his room, he switched the lights on and looked around the room. There was no sign of Hazal. Now where is she? He thought. Then he walked out of his room and walked down the corridor. Idris was laying down on the bed staring at the ceiling. He heard a knock on the door and then he stood up. "Come in." He said. Vartolu walked in. "Did you see Hazal?" He asked. "No. Why, what's up?" Idris asked. "She went to see that Kenan dude today and I haven't heard from her since." Vartolu said. "Did you try calling her?" Idris asked frowning his eyebrows. "Obviously. Where is mum?" Vartolu asked. "In the shower." Idris said. Vartolu took a deep breath. "I will get Selim to trace the phone." Idris said. Vartolu stared at him, "Well I never exactly got around to tapping it." He said. Idris narrowed his eyes at him. "Maybe she is with Karaca?" Vartolu said. "Karaca is at Sena's for the night." Idris said. Sultan walked out of the bathroom and frowned at the two. "What's going on?" She asked. "Nothing, why?" Vartolu said. "Vartolu, don't you lie to me." Sultan said giving him a glare. "We can't seem to locate Hazal." Idris spoke. Sultan gasped. "What do you mean you can't locate her?" She asked. Then Sultan put her hand on her head. "Oh my god. What if something has happened to her? Could this be something to do with the shooting the other night?" Sultan rambled in panic. Idris placed his hands on her shoulders, "Will you calm down woman?" He said. "Her and Vartolu had a little argument last night. She is probably blowing off steam somewhere." Idris said. "An argument about what?" Sultan asked. "Nothing important. I'm going to drive around and have a look for her." Vartolu said. "Ok, be careful. I will get a few of the men to have a drive around aswell." Idris said and Vartolu nodded.

Kenan still pointed the gun at Hazal. "Kenan, please don't do this." She said. "You know my father will find me. And when he does, he will kill you." She said. "I don't want that Kenan." "Your father doesn't scare me." Kenan shouted. "Well, he should. He will kill you Kenan, do you not understand that?" Hazal shouted back. "He has to find us first." He said. Hazal squeezed her eyes shut and took a deep breath. "Kenan, I am trying to help you here." She said. "You're the one that needs help." He shouted. "I don't believe for one second, that you will hurt me." Hazal said. "Don't be so sure about that Hazal." Kenan shouted and took a step forward. Hazal's eyes widened and she moved back. "Have you gone and lost your mind Kenan?" Hazal shouted. "My father is probably looking for me as we speak." She spat. "He can look all he wants. We are out of here tonight." Kenan raged. "What? Where are we going?" Hazal gasped. "That's none of your concern. But we will be leaving Istanbul tonight." Kenan said. Hazal groaned, "You are going to get us bloody killed." She said. "Stop it Kenan. Just stop it." She shouted. "I am not going anywhere with you." "Oh, you are going." He said. Hazal let out a heavy sigh and stared at him. "Ok, fine have it your way." She said. "I know my father. He will have already traced my phone by now." She said. "Your phone?" Kenan shouted. Hazal smiled at him. "Yes, my phone. My father has a tracker on it." She said. "Are you fucking serious. Where is your phone?" Kenan shouted. Hazal stayed silent and kept smiling at him. "Where is your phone?" He shouted again and he quickly forcefully grabbed her arms. "It's over in my bag." Hazal said in panic. "Don't fucking move." He shouted and let go of her and ran to her bag. Hazal stared at him. This may be my only chance. She thought. Then she shook her head. No, I am not risking being shot. She thought.

"Please, Kenan just let me go." Hazal shouted. Kenan ran towards her and now he was closer to her face. "Do you think I'm stupid? If I let you go, you will go straight to the police." He shouted. "Kenan, I promise you I will not go to the police." Hazal said. "I will call you tomorrow and we can sort this whole mess out." She said. "Oh, I'm sure your fiance will have something to say about that." Kenan shouted. "I won't tell Vartolu anything I promise." Hazal said. Kenan took a deep breath and looked at Hazal with sad eyes. "Hepsi senin suçun. You and him together is doing my head in." Kenan said. "Biliyorum. I'm sorry. Just please don't make things any worse." Hazal said. "Ok. Just go." Kenan said. Hazal stared at him. "Really? She said. "Yes, really. Just GO." Kenan shouted. Hazal grabbed her bag and quickly left his house. Kenan took a deep breath and in anger, he pushed the table causing the things to fall and smash.

Hazal ran as fast as she could until she bumped into a hard figure. She groaned and stumbled back. She looked up and gasped, "Vartolu." She said quietly. "What the hell is going on?" Vartolu shouted. Hazal took a deep breath. "Please take me home and I will explain everything." She said.

Vartolu and Hazal were in the car. Vartolu glanced at Hazal, "Are you going to tell me what happened?" He asked. "Yes. Just please let me get home and get a shower first." Hazal said. "I better call my dad and tell him I found you." Vartolu said. He put on his earphone and scrolled through his phone contacts.

(V: Vartolu, I: Idris)

V: "It's me. I've found her."

I: "Where the hell was she?"

V: "Can we talk about this tomorrow?"

I: "You can fucking bet we will be talking about this tomorrow."

Vartolu sighed and then took off his earphones and shook his head towards Hazal who was staring at him intensely.

After a few minutes, the two arrived home. Hazal had finished her shower and then she walked out to see Vartolu staring at her. She walked towards him with her head lowered down. "Start talking." Vartolu said. Hazal glanced up at him and sighed. "Is all this because of last night? Because I wouldn't sleep with you?" Vartolu said. Hazal quickly looked up at him. "What? NO!" She shouted. "Then why? You're out walking around the city at night alone. Only days after we were shot at." Vartolu shouted. "I can explain." Hazal said. "Well, by all means go ahead. Explain." He shouted. Hazal swallowed. "Well. I met up with Kenan to talk. And I told him we nearly slept together." Hazal said. Vartolu rolled his eyes, "Well that was clever Einstein?" He said. "He had a right to know." Hazal said. "Nothing happened for god's sake." Vartolu said. "I didn't know if I wanted to be with him anymore." Hazal said. "None of this explains why you were out at night alone and not answering your phone." Vartolu spoke. "Hazal, I will go find Kenan myself and ask him if you don't tell me." He said. "He wanted to go back to his place for lunch and then he wouldn't let me leave." Hazal said. Vartolu raised his eyebrows, "Wouldn't let you leave?" He asked. Hazal looked at him and took a deep breath. "He had a gun." She said. Vartolu's eyes widened, "What?" He shouted. "Vartolu, calm down." Hazal said. "Did he touch you?" Vartolu shouted. "What?" Hazal gasped. "Answer me, god damn it. Did he lay a finger on you?" Vartolu shouted. "No. He just wouldn't let me leave." Hazal said. "I'm going to kill him." Vartolu shouted. "No you are not Vartolu. Just let it go." Hazal said. "Let it go? Are you crazy?" He shouted. "He held you against your will at gun point and you think I'm going to let this go?" He spat. "Vartolu, please. He was upset at the situation." Hazal said. Vartolu turned around and faced the door.

Hazal sighed, "Vartolu, please. I need you to let this go. I can't take much more." She said and then she started to sob. Vartolu turned around and looked at her with sad eyes. "I don't think I can do that Hazal." He said quietly. "Please. I promise I will never see him or speak to him again." Hazal said. "Hazal, the fact that he has a gun means he could be our shooter." Vartolu said. "What? No way." Hazal shouted. "There is no way he is the shooter." She panicked. "Please, Vartolu." She trembled. Vartolu sighed. "Ok, I will let it go for now. But I will be watching him." He said. Hazal nodded, "Thank you so much." She said and then she hugged him. She then looked up at him, her arms still hugging his waist. "I don't want you to see him again Hazal." Vartolu said. "I won't." Hazal said, staring into his brown eyes. "If he calls you, texts you or sends you a fucking email, I want to know about it. Are we clear?" Vartolu said. Hazal nodded, "Yes." She said and then she hugged him again. That fucker is a dead man! Vartolu thought and then he clenched his jaw and his eyes darkened.

Will Vartolu go after Kenan? And is Kenan the shooter? Find out in the next chapter. Thank you all for reading, like+comment and I'll see you in the next one. Bye!

Hepsi senin suçun - It's all your fault.

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