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A few minutes earlier.

Hazal and Kaan pointed their guns towards each other. "Drop the gun, Hazal." Defne said. Hazal glared at her. "You don't honestly think you're getting out of here alive, do you?" Defne said. Hazal slowly lowered her gun. "I can't believe you're doing this to me. I'm your daughter too." She said.

"And I'm pregnant with your grandchild." She said. Kaan's eyes widened in shock and he lowered his gun. "What?" He said. "Don't believe her, baba, she is trying to trick you." Defne said. Kaan pointed his gun at her again. "I'm not trying to trick you. This could be the male heir you've always wanted." Hazal said.

"A grandson to lead the Bronze Dragons one day." She said. Karaca, who had listened to their whole conversation, was covering her mouth. Oh my god. Defne glared at Hazal. "Even if she is pregnant, the baby is a Kocovali. Don't fall for it, baba." She said. "This baby will never be a Kocovali and neither will I." Hazal said.

"Are you really going to kill us?" She asked. Kaan lowered his hand. "Baba, what are you doing?" Defne asked. "Shut up, Defne, I'm trying to think." Kaan shouted. He turned to Hazal. "An heir, you say?" He asked her. Hazal nodded. "An heir. But it's Vartolu's heir, not yours, you monster." She said.

"You think I would ever choose you over my husband?" Hazal shouted. She quickly pointed the gun at Kaan and fired shots at him. Kaan fell onto the floor. Defne picked up the gun and shot Hazal. After Hazal fell onto the floor, Defne quickly ran away.

Bang. Bang. Bang.

"What the fuck?" Vartolu shouted. "The gunshots are coming from inside." Idris shouted. "We need to split up. Half of you go around the back and half in the front." He said. The men separated and quickly ran inside the safe house. Once they entered, they shot anyone who was still alive in the building.

Vartolu ran down the hallway but bumped into Defne. "Going somewhere?" He asked as he pointed the gun towards her. "Drop the gun, Vartolu. Or you will never see Karaca or Hazal again." Defne said. "Do you think I'm stupid?" Vartolu said. "The life of your unborn baby is at stake here." Defne said.

Vartolu glared at her. "Nehir's baby is not mine. But Nehir and her baby are safe, don't you worry about that." He said. "I'm talking about your wife's baby." Defne said. Vartolu's eyes widened. "What?" He said. "Drop the gun, Vartolu, and kick it over to me." Defne said. "I don't believe a word you say." Vartolu shouted.

"Are you willing to risk it?" Defne asked. "Is it possible Hazal is pregnant? Were you as careful with your wife as you were with Nehir?" She asked. Vartolu stayed silent. "Didn't think so. Now drop the gun." Defne said. Vartolu sighed and dropped the gun. Defne moved towards him. "Good decision." She said.

"Now, before I kill you, I just want you to know something. Hazal is already dead and the baby wasn't even yours." She said. Vartolu's eyes widened and Defne laughed at him. She pointed the gun towards him, but before she could shoot, Idris shot her. Defne fell onto the floor. "Where the hell is your gun?" Idris shouted.

Vartolu stared at the floor. "What the hell is wrong with you, Vartolu? Snap out of it." Idris shouted. "Hazal is dead." Vartolu said. "Nobody is dead unless we see a body. Now get your gun and come on." Idris said. Vartolu picked up his gun and ran behind Idris.

Selim ran into the hallway but stopped when he saw Hazal and Kaan laying on the floor. "Baba, can you hear me?" He asked but didn't get a response. "Baba, are you there?" He asked. "Baba, is that you?" Selim's eyes widened when he heard his daughter's voice. "Karaca?" He said. He ran to the door she was in.

In another room, Idris and Vartolu were searching the place. "Has anyone found Karaca or Hazal?" Idris asked.

Selim was helping Karaca out of the chains. "Are you hurt?" He asked. "No, I'm ok." Karaca said as she quietly sobbed. "Baba, I have Karaca, she's not hurt." Selim said. "But keep Vartolu out of here." He said.

Blurred Love - Vartolu SadettinWhere stories live. Discover now