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I'll be back soon...


Today's headlines

1) The CEO of **** company, Mr. Xxx announced that the company released their new products for pets.
2) high school students are missing these days, no evidence has been found yet-"

Nicole turned off the TV because it is time to work again after a short break.....

The posters flyers were being given away to people near the cafe.  The cafe worker got one in his hands.

  The cafe worker got one in his hands

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"Yo 2J's!!  Aren't you going to have another round?  How long are you guys going to eat??"

"I am not a J!  My name is CHOI HONGJI >o<"

"You still have a J"
(Young Jae)

"Let me finish my meals then I'll see who's going to get knocked out"

"Not going to work on me. I am your senior 😏"

A smile crept on his face as he was recollecting his beautiful time... When he was truly happy with what he was doing.....

I lost and left everything...  Is there a reason to live..?

I hope they will get selected and reach the heights...

He reached the cafe and started working.  Later, the cafe owner called Young-Jae to have a chat.

"You have to watch on the cafe since we don't have security for the meantime."
(Cafe owner)

"What's wrong with him again? why does he get to take many leaves???  more than half of the month?!"

"None of your business.  Just watch out the cafe as I said or do you want me to pay you half this time??!"
(Cafe owner)

"I'm sorry sir..."


The dusk arrived with the bidding of Sun, taking away his rays for the people to pat themselves saying "good job" for the day...

Mi-young was on her way home but stopped watching a kitten straying around the alley.  She thought the cat is cute and took her in, playing with it for a while until a man from behind spoke...

"Hey, what are you doing with Niko?"
(Nicole in Eng)

Mi-young turned around,  Nico still safe in her hands but just stared at him for an answer...

Nicole gestured that the cat (Niko) she was holding belongs to him.  Mi-young then understood what he was trying to tell and gave Niko back glaring an unfazed look.


How can I take care of Niko if it keeps running away? Maybe... I need to buy a pet belt... Lemme ask Tae-Kwang

Gong Tae-Kwang

Hey bro, I need a suggestion about Niko

Hey, what's up!

Nicole explains everything

Why don't you try out the new product? The pet belt with a camera? (Tae-kwang)

Yeah, sounds good, brb!

Nicole came back to his house with a new product and food for Niko...


Days passed...

Young-Jae became a good friend of Nicole who often comes to Nicole's house to play with Niko...

Mi-young and Nicole used to hang out with Young-Jae during weekends...

At café

"Wanna hang out at sanctuary this weekend?"

"Uhh.. I've got a date tomorrow"

(Nicole and Mi-young)

"I can join you in the morning.."
(Young-Jae blushed)

"Next morning, at Sanctuary!"

Next morning, Bok-Su Sanctuary

Mi-young, Young-Jae, Nicole volunteered for today at the sanctuary.  Nicole got irritated cause this was his first experience with animals...

On the other hand, Mi-young and Young-Jae were having fun with their work which made Nicole admire them more...

As time passes, Young-Jae gets excited about his date. Mi-young kept teasing him a lot and he was blushing all day...


Phone call

"Work's almost done, boss." (Unknown 1)

"This deal's crazy!"  (Unknown 2)

"This deal's crazy!"  (Unknown 2)

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"Why do you have to leave me?"

- To be continued

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