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"So, who's she and how did they escape from you?"

"S-she was a medical practitioner in that hospital. She may have thought us as thieves. She doesn't hear us anyway..!"
(Unknown 1)

John took out a pile of papers and threw it toward them.

"This is the list of staff working in that hospital."

"She was from another hospital. She came there for an emergency case."
(Unknown 2)

"And the guy?"

"She thought we were thieves and shouted all the way. He's a civilian."
(Unknown 2)

"Pack your stuff and leave to the States as early as possible."

"Yes boss."
(Unknown 1 & 2)


Do they think that I would fall for their white lies? Ha! They did the wrong move...

...those kids... They tried hard..  they'll track me down soon. So... I'll let them reach me for fun.. *smirk*

Call by John

"Kill those doctors (unknown 1 & 2) who are leaving the mansion right now"

Call ended


"That area has a lot of industries and nobody really lives there."

"Oh.. what was clue you were talking about now?"

"Actually, we've been working on this missing cases for a while and I've found a clue from our senior, Amaya"

"The only lead we've got from our senior is.. all these missing people were trapped by a  single gang.."

"Our senior was attacked by that gang while investigating in that hospital. The hospital where the van was driving.  We expect your missing friends to be with them based on the patterns they went missing."

"I think that van guy's awake.. he's struggling to get himself out."

(Young Jae)

Young Jae stormed into the room where the van guy was held. He was choking that guy who's barely awake.

(Young Jae)

Nicole ran to stop Young Jae and pulled him back from the van guy.

"Calm down, Young Jae! We need to figure out their plans to catch them"

Young Jae kicked the chair aggressively that the chair broke, making the van guy fall to the ground and got his hands free from the ropes.

The van guy took out a chemical and consumed it as soon as his hands got free.


It was too late... Everything went silent with the van guy being dead.. the only person who could lead them to Mi-young...

"So... We still have a way to find them... Your senior.. Amaya..?"

"Right..! Sunbae-nim is discharging today!!!"

A bike horn is heard from outside their house. Luna left to see who the person is and opened the door of the apartment.

There he was... The senior... Amaya...



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"How's my style?"
(Amaya smirked)

"YOU LOOK TOTALLY DIFFERENT AND COOL!!! When did you get discharged from the hospital??

"This morning.. and I've got a thing to discuss with Tae-Kwang so.. yeah I planned a surprise visit..."

Luna welcomed Amaya and they all greeted each other before getting into the discussion...

"..the new missing cases were about their friends and they're from Gwangju. And he's Nicole, my only friend from the States."

"Ahh.. the one you talk about a lot..! Glad that I've met you, Nicole..!"

"Glad to meet you too.. I've found my friend missing in Gwangju and turns out she was taken to Busan and I had to come here.."

"In this meantime, we've got a news that Mi-young had committed suicide back in Gwangju. The same news came out for Hye Jin but I've found their belongings here in Busan.."
(Young Jae)

"Guys... Remember I had to investigate that hospital? There I found 2 doctors and this van guy exchanging huge amounts of money and talking about their "boss" and the mansion. I've recorded them talking about their next targets being in Gwangju since it was a risk for them to do that at Busan.."

"How can you say that he's the same guy from that incident?"

"The tattoo.. he had the same tattoo that day.. if he's not a suspect, he wouldn't have died before answering you guys, would he?"

"Where is the recording?"

"They caught me recording and tried to kill me by dumping me in the river along with the recording."


"It's time"

-To be Continued

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