1: Another day in hell

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"LUCY! I'M LEAVING NOW SO STAY IN YOUR ROOM AND DON'T FORGET TO MAKE DINNER, OR YOU KNOW WHAT'S GOING TO HAPPENING!" My 'dad' or more like kidnapper yelled from downstairs. I still remember what happened almost 11 years ago when he, David Norman, kidnapped me at the park.


"Avery, where are youuu?" I giggled when I heard my brother call out for me. Me, Hazza, my best friend Julia and her brother James were playing hide and seek at the park in front of our house. Julia and James lived next door and Julia was 5 years like me while James was 7 years like Harry. Harry was it and had already found the other two, while I was the only one left. I was hiding behind a tree a little bit away from the others so I could win. I suddenly heard footsteps behind me, but when I looked back nobody was there. Weird.

"I give up! You win april!" Hazza suddenly shouted. Woohoo! I won!

"I'm over here, I win lose-" I yelled, but got cut off when somebody lifted me up and started running away from the others.

"AHHH! HELP ME! LET ME GO!" I screamed on the top of my lungs and banged my fist against the persons back.

"AVERY!?!" Harry screamed. That was the last thing I remembered before everything became black.

*End of flashback*

It was first now I realized that I had tears streaming down my face. I miss everyone back home so much. Now I live with David and his family in Scottland and my name is now Lucy Beth Norman. I apparently have a 'new' mother named Lotta, a 'new' dad David and I'm their daughter. 5 words, I HATE MY NEW LIFE! My room is almost empty, it's like I'm in a prison. My room is on the second floor, the windows are nailed shut, my bed is the smallest ever and it's waaay to short for me. I have a wardrobe and to my luck, a own bathroom in my room. I get to watch the tv 2 hours a week, not one minute more, so I know that Harry is in a famous boy band called One Direction now days. I do have a computer but the most on it is blocked. No social media, like every chatt is blocked and there isn't much use with it. School sites maybe so I could study.

So about the real me, I love dancing, singing, music and art. My favorite colors is purple and my biggest idol's are Demi Lovato, Ed Sheeran and Michael Jackson. That is probably the most you need to know about me.

*2 hours later*

'BOOM' I woke up when my bedroom door swung open by the one and only David. I must have fallen asleep while thinking.

"CAN'T YOU READ!? IT'S OVER 5pm, WHERE ARE OUR DINNER?!" he screamed in my face. I had totally forgot about that.

"I'm sorry..." I said quite, more like a whisper.

"'I'M SORRY' IS NOT ENOUGH!" David screamed and slapped me in the face, which led to a couple of punches and kicks here and there on me, I lost count. When he was done I layed on the floor with tears streaming down my face and almost unconscious.

"Listen to what I say next time Lucy." Was all David said before he went out of my room and closing the door behind him. It didn't take long untill my eyes got heavy and before I knew it, I was out.



So I'm editing the chapters before I update another one and I have one question. 

Should I make it so it's present time or in the past as it already is. COMMENT so I know what you'll want to read the most!

-Love ya 

{ON HOLD} Harry Style's long lost sisterWhere stories live. Discover now