8: Accept it already!

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Avery's POV:

I'ts been about 3 days since I tried to get out of the bed and since then it's ALWAYS a doctor, nurse or someone of my visitors nearby or in my hospitalroom to make sure I don't try to get up again. It's so annoying! Like, I need to use my legs and walk around, at least in this room.

The good news is that they told me that I will get a roommate in my age today, I can't wait! Maybe he or she can treat me like a normal human and not some doll that will fall apart as soon as I move a little bit. It'll be nice to finally have someone to talk with that I haven't forgotten about and can get to know from the beginning.

''Hey Avery, We're going out to get food.. you want something?'' The blond haired boy said while popping his head in the room from the doorway, I think his name was Niall. Should I answer him? I know that they will just bring me food for a month even if I say no. They have been doing this every day now. They just can't understand that their normal portion of food is like three-four weeks of food for me. I'm just not used to eating anymore. Sure, Lotta gave me food sometimes when she was home, but she barely was and it was mostly like an apple or so. Not much really.

''Uhh.. N-no thanks'' I said in almost in a whisper, I've to learn to speak louder now that I'm not home. He just ignored my answer and took it as he wanted. Ofcourse he would, I already knew they wouldn't listen to a no.

''Okay, we'll bring you food, bye Avery.'' Niall said with a frown on his face. They can't accept anything I say, they just do it on their own way 'cause they think it's better for me. They are suppose to be my family and possibly friends, so why won't they listen to me? I think I'm going to take a nap before my roommate comes. But hey, they might not force food down my throat if I'm sleeping, so lets take that chance to sleep.

3 persons POV:                       

While  Avery decided to take a nap, a lot happend. Niall went to the other boys and family members and told them what Avery said and they became very concerned and worried about her. Many questions was asked like; 'Why isn't she eating', 'Why won't she talk to us more than a word or so?', 'Why is she nervous all the time around us?' and many more. Why, why and why. They didn't fully understand every event that had made Avery who she is today the past 11 years. But they haven't really met the real Avery yet, the one who's hiding behind the mask of Lucy.

One thing they didn't know was that the old Avery is still there, hidden behind the identity of the kidnapped girl Lucy Beth Norman. Instead of sitting in the waiting room they went out to look for a place to eat food. 'The faster we find some place to eat, the faster Avery will recover' was their words and when they all thought about it, they were out the door.

Meanwhile, A girl at the age of 15, almost 16, were wheeled in to Avery's hospitalroom to rest and stay for a while after the car accident she had been in. Bruises, broken arm and cuts were cleaned, put in cast (only the arm) and soon the doctors and nurses left the room of the two sleeping girls.

Poor family members of both Avery and the new girls. No-one will have the permission to visit them the next couple of days. The only thing they could do is to go home and rest, the girls are safe with a guard outside the door to their room. 

The family members will have a suprice later, won't they? Only thing left is to see how they react when they find out.


A/N :


Edited a bit now :)

{ON HOLD} Harry Style's long lost sisterOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora