9: Not allowed.

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Gemma's POV:

We had finally gotten our food at a near by fast food restaurant and were heading back to the hospital to give food to Avery and visit her. I've missed her so much these past years. Me and Avery we're the closest of us all when we we're kids and I hope we can go back to that soon. When she said she only remembered me, dad and mom, it broke all of our hearts, especially Harry's. He's her brother and it's only two years between them. Harry and Avery were the pranksters of our neighbour hood. Everyone was always extra carefull around the two of them together. You never knew what they could make up. They we're known as the troublemakers before kindergarden, they started when they couldn't walk completely. 

We arrived at the hospital and went directly to Avery's room but none of us expected what we saw next. A guard was in front of the door to her room with his arms crossed over his chest and a mean look on his face. He wasn't alone thought. Beside him was another guard sitting on a chair and tapping on his smartphone. That made us all stop dead in our tracks and just stare at them. They noticed us staring and the guard sitting down nodded to the standing guard and stood up and went over to us. 

''Hello. My name is Toby, can I help you?'' He said as he almost towered over the nine of us. (Me, Harry, Dad, Mum, Robin, Niall, Louis, Zayn and Liam)

''Yes, we are here to visit Avery Styles in that room.'' My mum said and pointed to Avery's room with the guards. 

''I'm sorry, but we are not allowed to let anyone inside except their doctors and nurses. I can't say anything else but if you want more information, your going to have to find their doctors.'' With that the guard -Toby- walked away. Wait.. THEIR doctors? Last time I checked it was only one person inside that room...

''Let's go find her doctor now.'' Dad said with a sigh and an annoyed expression on his face. Off we go!

Avery's POV:

I woke up a while later and looked at the clock. I've been out for about 3 hours, why isn't my family here yet?

''Hello, what's your name?'' A voice said all of sudden and made me jump in this hard bed. I looked to my left and saw a girl on the bed next to me, she looked about my age. She had blonde-brown hair and chocolate brown eyes. Her body was a little curvy and she was small built. She looked like a regular girl to me.

''I'm Avery, who are you?'' I asked her back. What? If she knows my name, I want to know her name too. 

''My name is Amy Brown, nice to meet you Avery... May I ask why you are here?'' Amy asked with a friendly smile. I could already tell we're going to be good friends.

Louis' POV: 

Harry, Anne, Des and Gemma didn't take this the best way, none of us did. Apparently it is another girl around Avery's age and no-one is allowed to visit either one of them. The new girl was in a car crash because somebody crashed a car in to her and her family's car and fled the scene after trying to kill them on purpose, or that's what the cops think. It could be a missunderstanding but they couldn't risk anything. We have no idea on how long it would take for us to be allowed to visit Avery and the other girl, they should be released from the hospital on the same time.

We decided to stay at our lads flat here in London until they release Avery from the hospital. Me, Niall, Zayn and Liam want to get to know Avery more, since we haven't met her before and we're more here to support Harry, Gemma, Anne, Des and Robin. But to support Anne the most...

Harry and Liam is having probably the hardest time of us all. The can't get the picture out of their head of what happenend back at the house is Glasgow. Who can blame them thought? I would of be the same if I had been there. We can only hope we're allowed to see Avery soon. I miss the time a few months ago when everyone was at least a bit okay, hopefully everything will be okay soon and go back to somewhat normal time.




I'll try to update as soon as possible, hopefully today, because tomorrow school starts again after winter break :/ Going to try to update often and not every two years, hehe...

-Love ya!

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