Levi's Past

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Levi's P.O.V

Ever since I was a child (before the accident with the potions), I had an abusive life. I had no friends because they were scared of him. When I mean 'him', I mean my dad. The parents knew he was a terrible drunk. I couldn't leave because my mother and my father left me. Yes, he's not my real father, but I considered him as a dad. Sadly...


"LEVI! GET YOUR TINY ASS OUT HERE NOW!" I heard my father shout. I shook, knowing something was wrong. I slowly made my way to the door and opened it. I began walking until I heard glass shatter. I froze. The sight was terrifying. His eyes were bloodshot red, messy hair, and alcohol dripping from his mouth. "LEVI! WHERES MY ALCOHOL?!" He shouted.

"I-I...I..." I was too scared to even say 'I don't know'.

"STOP STUTTERING YOU FUCKING WASTE OF AIR! WHERE THE FUCK IS MY ALCOHOL?!!" He grabbed my neck and began to tighten his grip. I gasped for air desperately. Tears in the corner of my eyes and my small hands trying to pry his hands of my neck. He threw me to the ground and began kicking me, whipping me, and breaking glass using my back.

But that was only with my father...

I ran away a few days later, trying to stay hidden. My bruises took forever to heal and being in a dirty area didn't help. That's why I hate the filth. I was just sitting here until a bunch of drunken men passed by. They didn't notice me, so good. But a man dropped a stack of green stuff. I slowly went closer and seen it was money! The men were gone and I quickly took it. I was too scared to give it back. Oh, what the hell. I started to count the stack. It could last me a month. Hopefully.

But it didn't last long...

"Hey, little boy. You know it's dangerous to stay out this late." A large man, along with other men shorter than him, though. I had no weapon. I was shaking and I backed away. The men chuckled and came closer. I had no weapon. My back hit the wall, making me stop. I freaked. I quickly scanned around for the nearest object. I quickly found a broken beer bottle. I held it close to me and didn't hesitate to attack. I've became a killer after that.

I was always alone...until they came in my life...then they left me...alone...

Farlan... Isabel...

There they laid... Dead and ripped apart... My only family was snatched away within seconds...

Now that leaves Eren. Shitty brat. I do love him... But what if he leaves me... Like everyone else...

Hey just a shoutout to all my Attackers and to you:


I really enjoy the stories and I hop you do too! Byeeee! I'll update the rest of my stories as promised~!

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