Chapter 7: first day

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*the next day* I woke up to my alarm at 7am. I sat up checking my phone to see a text from Georgia just making sure I was ok and to wish me luck on my first day. I went upstairs and checked in on James before heading into my room to get ready for the day. I decided to just wear a shirt and shorts with a bikini underneath as I would be given my uniform today. When I had finished getting ready I heard a small knock on my door, I opened it to see James there with a big smile on his face.

"Good morning mister." I say picking him up and giving him a kiss on his cheek. "How did you sleep?"

"Good. Juice please and coco pops" he says all excited.

"Oh coco pops? Is that what you want? Well then we should probably go get some then." I said, giving him a tickle on his tummy causing him to giggle. I carry him downstairs to the kitchen and place him in his chair as I grab him his breakfast. While he's eating I quickly go grab his clothes and pack his bag ready for his day with Harries' wife. I took his clothes and the bag downstairs, placing the bag by the front door and heading back into the kitchen.

"All done" he shouts, giving me a chocolatey grin, while offering me his bowl and spoon.

"Oh good job baby" I say, taking the bowl and spoon off of him. "But we need to clean those chocolatey chops" I grab a wet wipe and wipe his hands and face. Then get him out and ready for the day. I take a quick look at the time and realise I have time to get a coffee from the cafe before I'm supposed to be meeting Harries and his wife. I quickly pop James in his buggy before making sure I had all my stuff for the day and all the things James would need for his day. Once I had everything we left. We stopped at a cafe, where I grabbed an iced latte to go and a pot of fruit as a snack for james. Once we had received our order we headed over to the prom and started walking down towards the tower.

"Out please" James shouted at me. I went and crouched down in front of him

"Ok but you must stay near me, do you understand?" I said to him, He nodded his head, so I unbuckled him and let him climb out. I started pushing the buggy again while he walked nicely along next to me pointing to all the people on the beach. We were nearing the tower when Maxi stepped out of the tower. James spotted him and started running,

"MAXI!!!" he shouts to get maxi's attention. Maxi turned round. When he spotted James he crouched down, opening his arms for James to run into, scooping him up into a hug.

"Hey Little Man" he says. "Are you excited for a fun day with Emily?" he asks James nods eagerly as I stop next to them. "Hey B, Ready for your first shift at Bondi?" Maxi asks me as he puts James down, but holding his hand

"Yeah. I'm a little nervous but mostly excited. Who's on shift today?" I ask

Maxi thinks for a bit before replying "Me, Harries, Jesse, Kerrbox, Reidy, Whippet, Hoppo, you and Harrison. I don't think you've met Harrison yet. He's been on holiday visiting his family in New zealand"

"No, I don't think I have met him yet. It'll be nice to meet someone else." I replied. We decided to wait for Harries and his wife in the tower as I needed to talk to Hoppo and Maxi needed to get back to work. He said he would keep an eye on James if needed while I talked to hoppo. So we headed inside, where Whippet and Hoppo were sitting watching the beach.

"Morning boys" I chirped, folding James' buggy and putting it out the way as Maxi carried James over to the desk and perched him on it showing him the beach. I walked over to Whippet giving him a side hug as he was focused.

"Morning B. Welcome to your first day of madness" he says, giving me a quick smile before turning his attention back to the crowded beach.

"Morning Bethan. Maxi pay attention as well please, I'll take James with me while I give bethan a tour." Hoppo says, while taking James off of Maxi. Maxi waves to James before turning to focus on the beach. "Right there's a pile of your uniform there Bethan and I'll show you to the ladies locker room first so you can get changed" He tells me. I grab the clothes and follow Hooppo to the locker room with my bag. I pop in to get changed, finding a bikini, a shirt, shorts , joggers and a jacket all in lifeguard blue but they say medic on them instead. Unfortunately the bikini was too small so I just left mine on figuring I wouldn't need them much anyway. I popped on the shirt and shorts putting the rest, other than the bikini, into a locker which had my name on it already. I went back outside to find Hoppo playing with James.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2022 ⏰

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