Chapter 5 - tattoos and surf time

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*time skip - next day*

I woke up at about 11:00 am to Sam and James running into my room to wake me up. I chased them out of my room before locking the door to get ready. I had a shower and chose an outfit for today that would be easy to move about to get a tattoo. I went downstairs and made the boys a snack. Grabbing a bite to eat for myself. I then took the boys outside to play before Max turned up with Jesse. After about half an hour, Max and Jesse arrived. Max took the boys to the beach while Jesse and I headed out for lunch. We head to the seafront to grab a bite to eat. After lunch, we get into his car and drive to Maroubra.

*Time skip - 2 hours later*

I'm laid back on the tattoo chair with Jesse holding my hand. I'm getting a tattoo over my hip.

"How did you get so many Jess?" I ask trying to breathe through the pain

"I have a high pain tolerance" he replies squeezing my hand " plus where you're getting it is a high pain region on the body"

*Time skip - 1 hour later*

We finished and I love it. Jesse and I are now in the car headed back to Bondi. Jesse and I were just chatting and getting to know each other. We finally got to Bondi. Once we finally reached Bondi, we got out of the car. My hip was hurting so Jesse gave me a piggyback. He walked us down to the tower. I jumped off when we arrived and Jesse opened the door for me. I saw Max watching the beach with Whippet. So I walk up behind Max and wrap my arms around him. He jumps in surprise before turning to hug me, catching right where my tattoo is.

"Ouch" I jump back

"What happened?" Whippet was next to me in a second with Max looking concerned.

"I'm fine," I say, giving them a smile. Whippet looks confused

"Why did you say ouch then?" I giggle and lift my shirt up showing the massive bandage the tattooist gave me to ensure it was protected for 24 hours

"Bethan, when did that happen?" Whippet asked me, I turned to Jesse and asked if it would be ok to show them. He said it should be. He'd put a new one on after I took the bandage off as it needed to be changed anyway. I lay on the medical bench and Jesse slowly pulled it off for me. Before cleaning it so the lads could see it. I got up and went to show them. Max was amazed by it. Whereas Whippet looked like a father whose daughter was going out drinking underage and had got a drunken tattoo.

"Wow B that's amazing," Max says

"You like it?" I ask as he looks at me with a smile

"I love it." Jesse pulled me over to the medical bay and laid me down before putting on a new bandage. Once he was done I went to go sit with Max.

"Hey you" Whippet grabs my arm and pulls me outside the tower

"What's wrong?" I ask he looks disappointed in me

"Why'd you get a tattoo?"

"I wanted something to show all the things that I've been through. Something to show how strong I am" I reply. He looks at me with compassion.

"I understand. Now come here" he says, opening his arms for a hug. I step forward into his arms.

"Bethan. You know that you can talk to me about anything you want. Consider me your big brother from another mother" he says, giving me a squeeze.

"Thanks, Whippet," I say before stealing his lifeguard cap and running off to the tower.

"Oi!" He yells before I hear him chase me. I get into the tower and hide under the desk behind Jesse and Max's legs. The boys start laughing as Whippet bursts into the tower. Grabbing my leg and dragging me out before tickling me. I finally gave up and gave him his hat back. He helped me up and left to go to backpackers. I sat down on Max's knee and grabbed a spare set of binos. Figuring I would start helping a bit and He taught me how to spot flash rips, as we didn't get many rips back on the beach in Wales. After a while, I decided I would leave and go do a bit of shopping. I said bye to the boys. I walked out of the tower and headed back to the house to grab my purse and see if George and the boys wanted to join me. Once I got home James wanted to stay with me but George and Sam were going to the beach. I waved bye to them before getting James ready and popping him in his buggy (stroller) and grabbed a couple of shopping bags just in case. Once we were ready we headed out. We finally got to the shops in Bondi. We started looking around. I grabbed some more clothes and toys for Sam and James. Along with some bamboo crockery (it's a real thing). I then found a surf shop and decided to go in and see if I could find a board. The shop assistant was very helpful and got me the right size board along with a couple of rashies and a wetsuit. I also grabbed James some equipment for swimming and a life vest so he could come with me. I grabbed all our stuff paying for it and then left to take the stuff home. Do you know how difficult it is to push a stroller as well as carry 5+ bags and a surfboard? It's very difficult.

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