chapter 6 - tour of bondi

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Bethan's p.o.v

I woke up the next morning in my own bed. I sit up not remembering going to bed when I hear James giggling downstairs. Curious, I quickly get up and put my hair in a messy bun and head downstairs. I looked into the kitchen to see James sat on the counter next to Jesse who wasn't wearing a shirt but was making pancakes. I stand in the doorway watching them for a bit.

After a while, James spots me and reaches out. I come over and pick him up before kissing his cheek. "Hey monkey" he giggles in reply.

"Morning Jess," I say, grabbing myself a glass of water and sitting at the breakfast bar with James on my knee.

"Morning," he replies "how did you sleep?"

"Really well. Speaking of which, did you move me to the bedroom last night?"

"Yeah you fell asleep in James's room on the rocking chair," he says, putting the last pancakes on a plate and bringing them to the counter. I smile and pop James in his high chair giving him a plate with two pancakes which I proceeded to cut up for him. I grab a couple pancakes for myself, adding some fresh fruit to my plate I dig in.

"Are you working today?" I ask Jesse

"Yeah but I don't start till 1pm. So we can spend the morning together." he says smiling at me. I smile back before picking up James to get him changed.

*Time skip *

I finished getting James ready and sat him on my bed while I got myself ready. I decided to tie my hair up and to put on this outfit. One I had done that I put on some light make up and my SpongeBob sneakers. I headed back downstairs with James to find Harrison. I put James down and he ran to Jesse who was standing in the kitchen putting away the clean breakfast crockery. I grabbed my rucksack and popped my purse and phone inside along with a change of clothes and boardies for James and swimsuit for me. I then remembered towels and sunscreen, so I put them in my bag too. Figuring we would head to the beach with Harrison when he went for his shift.

I headed to the hallway to put up James' stroller and put my bag on the back of the stroller.

"You two ready?" I shout to Jesse and James (Team Rocket, blast off at the speed of light! Hehe for my Pokemon fans;))

"We're coming" Jess replies as he walks out of the kitchen carrying James. He pops James in the stroller and we head out.

Jess takes us for a walk and shows us around the area. Pointing out the regular hang out places of the lifeguards. And we just spend 2 hours mucking about. Before James tells us he's hungry and we head to a cafe for lunch.

We order and go sit down. Jesse lifts James out of his buggy and pops him on his knee and helps him pick what he wants for lunch, ending up with a kids plate of chicken nuggets and carrot sticks, bread and butter on the side. We get him and apple juice to drink. Jesse orders a burger with side salad and a glass of water while I order a chicken mayo sandwich with salted crisps on the side and a glass of cola to drink.

After we finished it was just about time for Jesse to start work so we paid and headed over to the beach. Saying bye to Jesse as James and I head down onto the beach to find a nice space to play in the sand. When we find a space, I lay out the towel and get James out slathering him in suncream and popping his hat on, making sure the toggle was tight enough that his hat wouldn't fly off but not too tight as to hurt him.

I gave him his bucket and spade and sat next to him helping him dig and find shells for a castle. After about 20 minutes, We hear a rhino pull up and I look up to see Harries and Maxi in the seats.

"MAXI!!!" James shouts jumping up and knocking over his sand castle to give Maxi a hug causing me and Harries to giggle.

"How's your day been, Bethan?" Harries asks as MAxi is listening to a big story James is telling him.

"Good thanks Harries, Spent the morning around town with Jesse just exploring then went and had lunch before Jesse started work. Has it been busy today?" I ask

"Yeah it has. Backpackers is really pulling today. Make sure you don't go in it."

"Don't worry we won't" I reply " I think we are going to go soon as it's nearly N-A-P time" I spell out the word nap so James wouldn't hear and have a tantrum. Just as I do he starts yawning and leaning onto Maxi's chest trying to sleep

"Definitely looks like it" Harries laughs as I quickly put our stuff away. I then lay the seat of the buggy down and take James off Maxi and lay him down in the buggy. Just as I've strapped him in the radio crackles and I hear Jesse saying that there's someone in backpackers who needs help.

"Bye then, see you soon" I wave as the boys wave and drive off to complete the rescue. I can see Maxi taking his shirt off as Harries is driving ready to jump out the rhino as Harries stops.

Me and James head off the beach and start walking along the parade back home. When we get home I decide to leave the stroller with James in it on the back deck in the shade to sleep, while I sit and read on the deckchairs.

*time skip - 1 hour*

I'm still reading on the deck with James asleep when I hear a knock on the side gate and voice call me. I get up and peep round to see Max.

"Hey Max come on in" I whisper " quietly James is asleep in the buggy here at the moment"

"I just thought I'd come check in on you two. See that you're ok."

"That's sweet of you Max. Yeah we're good." I reply motioning him to come inside leaving the door open so i could still hear James if he woke up

"Good. You've had a hell of a welcome to Aus haven't you?" he say

"Yeah, a bit crazy. All i need now is a shark bite and i think i'd be fully welcomed" i reply jokingly, he bursts out laughing agreeing with me. We then just sit and chat until James wakes up when we decide to play some games with him before having dinner and then putting him to bed.

"Wanna stay and watch a movie?" I ask Max when we get downstairs to the living room after putting James to bed.

"Yeah sure" he says, going to look through the dvds. He choses Avengers Assemble (one of my favourites) and pops it in while I go get some popcorn to snack on and a beer each. We start watching the film getting to know eachother better. Over half way through the movie I end up falling asleep. Max turns the tv off and grabs a blanket covering me with it. He then writes me a note telling me he's gone home, reminding me to go to see Hoppo to get my uniform in the morning and telling me to bring James with me cause Deano's wife has said she will look after James for me as she has her daughter Lily too. He then locks the doors and leaves to go to his house, leaving me fast asleep.

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