Chapter 4 - Hospital stay

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Max's pov:

" Hey, no one will think that Bethan. I'm amazed at how much you've been through. The rest of the boys will be too if and when you tell them. Harries, Maxi, Jesse, Hoppo were all worried about you when you ran off."

"Really?" she asks

"Truly. You have definitely found where you belong and I'm sorry that I announced the truth before you were ready for them to know"

" It's ok Max you didn't mean to" she says smiling

I smiled back, wrapping my arms around her, pulling her into a hug. "I say that you should think of me as your brother from another mother,'' he says. She pulls back to say something but before she could we heard a deep voice saying

"You bitch" I saw a moment of recognition in her eyes and looked and turned to where the sound came from *bang* I turned back to Bethan to see her falling. I caught her before she hit the ground.

"BETHAN!!" Horror across my voice. No this can't happen. Georgia needs her, Sam needs her, and Christ James needs her the most. She's like a sister this can't happen

"Max" it was Harries, I looked at him, tears threatening to spill down my cheeks. I see Maxi and Whippet standing behind him. Hoppo and H had hold of the man and Jesse was on the phone probably to the cops and/or the ambo

"Help her please" I choke out as tears spill down my face. Whippet and harries take her off me as Maxi sits next to me to comfort me.

Whippet's POV:

I have only spoken to her once but this is heartbreaking. Harries and I lay her on the sand and check out the wound. The bullet had gone through her arm but was lodged in her chest. I could just see it so it wasn't in too deep. Reidy turned up with the medical bag and Harries set to work plugging the wounds and putting on a tourniquet. I was checking her pulse making sure she was stable while Reidy gave her oxygen. Jesse came over and got the tower keys off of maxi so he could get a rhino ready for the paramedics to get here. I looked over at Max. Poor thing he looked heartbroken, I can't imagine what's going through his head. I can tell she's like a sister to him already*

Time skip - 5 minutes later*

(Still whippet's POV)

As it was late the streets were pretty clear so the police had custody of the strange man who knew Bethan. Nobody knew his name yet but Max said there was a look of recognition on her face when she was shot. Did she know him? What happened in Wales that she hasn't told us? I really want to help her be there for her, I feel that most of the lads do. But I already know I'll think of her as my little sister. She's so caring taking in a child she didn't know because there was no one else to care for him. The ambo had turned up and taken her away with Max and Harries went with them while we packed up.

*Time skip - the next day*

Max's POV:

I haven't been able to sleep. I'm so worried about Bethan. She's been in surgery for the last hour. Harries has fallen asleep and is now trying to convince me to fall asleep but I don't know if I can. I lean back in the chair when a nurse comes out.

"Bethan rose?" She asks

I leap out of my chair along with Harries

"How is she?" I question

"She's just come out of surgery. I'll take you to her room and the doctor will tell you more," she said before taking us to the room she was in. We walked in and she was fully hooked up to the machines. She's so vulnerable. I walk over to sit next to her, grabbing her hand.

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