Chapter 3 - demons

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I woke up and hopped into the shower, getting ready for my meeting with Hoppo. Before realisation hit me. I'm pregnant and I can't work as a lifeguard for much longer. Maybe 2-3 months at most. Shit. I figured I would go anyway and let him know.

I grabbed something semi-professional to wear

I grabbed something semi-professional to wear

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before grabbing something to eat and kissing Sam on his forehead saying bye to George and leaving

I walked down to the beach to walk along the seafront as I was half an hour early for the meeting. I sat near the tower looking around.

"Hey Bethan" I turned around and it was Max with 2 other lifeguards

"Hey" I replied, giving him a hug.

"What are you doing here?" he asked "not that I don't want you here, just curious" he rambled.

"I have a meeting with hoppo about rescuing the little girl yesterday"

"That was you? Those were quick reactions you had. None of us had spotted her until Max saw you suddenly start swimming towards her." The blonde lifeguard said " that was a great rescue, I'm Maxi by the way and this is Jesse" pointing to himself and the brunette tattooed lifeguard.

"Hey, are any of you free to show me to Hoppo's office? I'm not 100% sure where I'm going" I asked

" yeah I'll help," said Max. "See you in a bit lads," he said before showing me to the office. I turned and shouted bye to Maxi and Jesse. Before turning back and following Max.

He showed me to a door before knocking on it.

"Come in" we heard and Max opened the door

"Hey, hoppo. I've got Bethan here for you," he said letting me into the room

"Ah yes thanks Max now back to work"

"Bye B. Good luck pop over to the tower after and let me know what happens, yeah?"

" Yeah, of course, thanks max see ya," I said as Max left the office leaving me with Hoppo.

"So Bethan. How long were you a lifeguard back home?" Hoppo asked me

"I started as a trainee when I was 14. Became a full-fledged lifeguard at 15 but was still only part-time due to school. I finished school at 16, but then went and got my medical degree, fully licensed to be a doctor but I didn't want to be stuck in an office so I decided to carry on as a lifeguard." I replied

We carried on this by him finding out my skills and everything before telling me that he thought I was fully capable but he would need to test me on my physical abilities. Before offering me a job, we started arranging a time and date before I remembered what I had to tell him.

"Umm Hoppo. I have something to tell you before you decide to offer me a job or not"

"Well, what is it? You can tell me" he calmly replied

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