Chapter 2 - Old and New friends

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*time skip - gone through customs and collected baggage*

"Bethan!!" I heard turning round to be barreled over by my best friend and her 5 year old brother.

"Georgia, Sammy" I gave them a hug, before all three of us started laughing like mad. They helped me up, Georgia grabbing the trolley with my bags on and Sam wanting a carry, so I picked him up and gave him a piggyback ride. We chatted and walked to her car, me putting Sam in his seat and Georgia putting my bags in the boot (trunk) of the car. I grabbed my phone and turned it on to phone my mum to let her know I had arrived safe and sound. We pulled off and headed to Georgia's house. She told me she had recently moved and was now living in Bondi, and that you could see the beach from the doorstep. When we arrived, we didn't even unpack the car. I just grabbed my bikini and rash guard (see above), and got changed while Georgia got herself and Sam ready. We walked down to the beach, Sam on Georgia's back, while Georgia and I chatted she told me about her boyfriend who was a lifeguard on Bondi beach and how we could dump our stuff in the tower. Once we were within sight of the tower Sam jumped down and ran full speed to the tower. He waited for us to catch up while bouncing and we jogged over to him. We climbed up the stairs and knocked on the door. I was looking out across the beach watching everything. I finally felt like I had a place I could restart my life and had a change of pace. "Bethan. Come on inside to dump your bag" Georgia said before leading me inside. I head in and see 5 lifeguards dotted around the room with Sam standing on the desk helping watch the beach. I giggled at the size of the binos he was using. "Max. This is my best friend, the one who I told you was moving here, Bethan. Bethan, this is my boyfriend Max Ashford" Georgia said.

"Hi Bethan pleased to meet you," he said

"Nice to meet you too" I replied

Sam heard my voice and turned round jumping down and running into my arms, I scoop him up. "Max, Bethan is my girlfriend," he said giving me a kiss on my cheek

Max laughed saying "well-done dude she's very pretty" giving Sam a high five.

" Wanna go swimming little man?" I ask Sam as I put him down. He looks at me with the biggest smile " YES!!!!" he shouts before running out the door. "Don't worry George I got him" I say going outside and chasing after Sam. I caught him and picked him up while he was giggling his head off. We headed down to the sea ensuring we stayed between the flags. I grabbed his hand walking out into the ocean getting deep enough so the water was just above his stomach. After about 15-20 minutes of paddling in the shallows with Sam we bumped into one of his friend's from school. After a brief chat with his parents, they agreed to keep an eye on Sam while they played on the sand, so I could go for a proper swim. I thanked them and told Sam to find Georgia in the tower if he needed anything and headed further in. I got to the depth I like and started swimming.

"Help!!!!!!" I heard someone scream, I stopped and looked around till I saw where the scream was coming from, it was a small child probably 7 or 8 splashing and waving her arms not far from me. I swam over as quickly as I could as I realised I was the closest to her. She started going under as I got there, so I dived and grabbed her arm. Pulling her up grabbing around her waist, and lifting her back, so she was floating, as I trod water and checked her pulse, I looked up and saw max was paddling over on a rescue board

"How is she?" he asks taking her off me

"Pulse is fine, she's breathing but was going under when I reached her, so she may have swallowed some water," I said

"You ok to get back? Or do you want a lift?" he asked.

"I'll be fine to get back" I said as I started swimming back to shore. Once I reached the shore, I was approached by Georgia and an older lifeguard.

"Bethan this is Hoppo, head lifeguard here," she says

"Hello hoppo, nice to meet you"

"You too Bethan. That was amazingly quick reactions then I just wanted to thank you personally for that rescue" he says

"Oh, it's no problem at all. I was a lifeguard back in Wales."

"Have you got a job here yet?"

"No I just arrived today," I replied a little quizzical

"Come and see me at my office in the pavilion tomorrow at 12. I might have a job available for you. Anyway, it was nice meeting you but I better go."

"Nice meeting you too Hoppo. Bye" I replied before turning to Georgia who was standing there with her mouth wide open. We had an exciting bouncing moment before heading up the beach, stopping to thank the parents who kept an eye on Sam, then grabbing our stuff from the tower saying goodbye to Max and the others in the tower before heading back home.

Once we got home, I cooked up some homemade cookies and made some hot chocolate while Georgia and Sam made a fort in the living room, which we sat in while eating the cookies and hot chocolates, watching movies before we fell asleep.

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