Chapter 6:

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Your POV:

when I found out my Grandpa was the original king of hell I was surprised. But what surprised me more was the amount of raw power he had.

He cut through Angel's with just a flick of his hand. He brought down legions of Angel's with a simple swipe of his arm. And to make it even more amazing he just screamed as a sonic wave rushed and crushed any Angel's in the blast radius.

I stare in awe as the Angel's that were fighting with my family and friends turned and ran. Lucifer stood strong and waited until the last angel disappeared into the portal above.

My grandpa was then bombarded with questions from my moms and spouses parents.

Charlie: Dad where have you been? I called your cell but you never answered.

Lucifer simply pat her head amd said.

Lucifer: just taking care of old business my Charlette.

After a bit more questions they came in from the mansions front gateway. You ran over with Annabell in tow.

You: Grandpa Lucy!!

Lucifer smiled before you wrapped your arms around his torso. He ruffled your hair and said.

Lucifer: How is this little man?

You simply smiled.

You: As devilish as ever Grandpa.

Annabell made her way by your side and gently held your hand which gladly enveloped hers.

Lucifer smirked.

Lucifer: so a future hier and a future queen huh?

At this Annabell only blushed a slight tint of pink while your face burned a blood red.

Lucifer chuckled at both your reactions.

Lucifer: In due time anyways I must talk to your parents. By the way Lilith is making her way here right now.

At this you perked up Grandma Lilith.

You quickly dashed towards the window to see a long haired woman walking towards the mansion. Wearing a overlord outfit. When she entered you shouted.

You: Grandma Lilith!!

You jumped into her loving embrace as she smiled down at you.

Lilith: Oh my look at how big you've gotten.

You pulled away and smile at her as Lilith then reached into her purse to reveal a bunch of candies.

Your mouth watered in anticipation for the sweetness of the candies.

Lilith: Be sure to share with Annabell my dear.

She then handed them to you after you gave her a firm nod. She then pat your head before walking towards the courtroom where the adults were tending to their meeting.

You turn around to see Annabell staring at you with her glowing green eyes. You nearly sweat dropped when she said.

Annabell: Let's not make a habit of hugging other girls, Even family.

You nodded quickly as she calmed down.

You: Want a lollipop?

Hello my army of Horrors. I hope yall enjoyed this chapter. Even if it was short. It's all I could come up with. Anywho yall know what to do. Anywho this is Horror-Kun and that's a rap.

Word Count: 491

HazBinHoTel: Annabelle X Son Of Charlie & VaggieWhere stories live. Discover now