Smith X Reader: Life saver

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This is based in Cornerstone.


Your P.O.V

I ran as fast as my blood covers legs could go. I had glass painfully impaled in both my legs.

Stupid witches throwing their stupid potions. Then letting their stupid wither cats finish their target off.

I hear the angry yowl of a wither cat. "No. Nonono." I whisper as i pick up the pace a tad.

I hated wither cats more then anything. More then i hated my parents. If possible.

I ran till the hisses and angry yowls weren't hearable. Then i stopped running and leant on a large pillar of wood blocks.

"What the?" I looked up above me to see a slime island that had other islands connected to it. And the pillar I was leaning on held ladders leading up.

Suddenly i heard another angry yowl a few blocks away.

I could run.

But the sun was setting. And even if i did manage to get away from that bloody death cat, I wouldn't survive the spiders and skeletons. Not a chance.

I look into the trees and see a familiar pair of glowing eyes. I gasp and my first instinct is to climb the ladder.

So I do exactly that.

Climbing as fast as my weak glass cut legs could could. It was absolute agony. But my life kinda depended on it.

After about 20 minutes of almost unbearable pain i finally made it to the top.

Heaving myself through the trap door. I sit gasping for air as i watch the witch and her large rat walk away.

I sigh and get to my shaky legs and look at the large house before me. I carefully knock on the door but no one's home.

I carefully open the door and walk inside. So far i can see no one. It must be empty at the moment.

I close the door and look around.

Suddenly a loud bang came from above me. I jump and look up. Then i heard footsteps coming from upstairs. I gasp as they begin to come down stairs.

In panic i run through a door and through a small corridor into some kind of golden roofed court house.

"Hey Smith! I think someone's here!" I voice called. My eyes dart around for a place to hide.

"Probably one of the Rail Bro's coming for some supplies." Another answered.

I spotted a large hand made completely of gold and ran behind it. Curling into a ball as someone entered the room. I peered round to see three men standing at the exit. Looking around for some one.

One was a walrus in a lab coat.
Another was a dark haired man in a suit holding some marble.
And the final one was a green man wearing a suit and had a wand in his hand.

I back up a bit as the walrus looks in my direction.

"Hey guys." He tapped the other mens shoulders. Whispering something to them. I use the base of the giant golden hand to help me stand up.

All of a sudden all three men look in my direction.

I try my best to hide myself by going further back but fell backwards over the golden base. Landing on my back in the near center of the room.

I sprang up off the floor and backed away as the men came closer. The walrus opened his mouth to say something but was cut off by the green man.

"Look out!" He called.

Suddenly my foot reached thin air. I scream as I fell through a large hole in the floor.

I watched as the world bellow me got closer and closer.

I close my eyes and scream again.

But then.. I'm not falling anymore. I open my eyes to see that I'm only meters from the ground.

I feel someone's arms around me. I look up to see the green man holding me bridal style.

He had saved my life.

I blink and cling to him and fright. Shaking in fear. He gives a slight chuckle before using his jet pack to fly back up to the sky islands.


"What's your name?" The Green Man asked. "(Y/N)." I tell him. He smiled. "Mines Alsmiffy. But everyone calls me Smith." He says.

I smile. I had been here a few hours now and only seemed to feel comfortable around Smith. He was kind hearted and cute.

Wait. Cute? Oh pull yourself together (Y/N!)

"Are you okay (Y/N)? You seem a little lost." Smith said seeming concerned for me.

I shake my head. "Nothing. I'm just a little shaken after that fall. Thanks for that by the way." I say looking up into his eyes. He smiles. "It's no problem. But what were you doing hiding behind the 'Hand Of Truth'?" He asked.

I tilt my head. "Hand of what now?" I ask. Very confused. He laughs. "'The Hand of Truth.' You'll understand soon." He tells me.

I roll my eyes. "Anyway. I was being chased by a witch and her wither cat." I say. I hear him mutter 'those little fuckers.' I smile and continue. "I got a few shards of glass in my legs from the bottles thrown at me but kept running. Then I found the ladder and climbed it. Ending up here. Then I ran and hid behind... um...'The Hand Of Truth' because I was frightened of being found."

He looked at me and smiled. "I'm not that scary am I?" He asked.

I giggle and roll my eyes. "No of course not. You quite cute actually." My hand slaps over my mouth as I say that.

Smiths cheeks get tinted with pink as my flush red.

I did not just say that.

"Oh my god. I'm sorry. I didn't mean it like th-!" I was cut off by his soft lips on mine.

When he pulled away I was wide eyed and speechless.

Stuttering to find words. He grinned. "You really think I'm cute?" He asked. I swallow my nerves and run and hand through my hair.

"Nah. Your one of them most scariest things I've met." I joke. He laughs and I say.

"But I wouldn't have you any other way."


3 days.

This took three days....
A from now on when you request give me a scene so I can think easier.

And AU I think they call it?

But yeah. Next time tell me how you want it set out!
actually leave comments like that now :3


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