Duncan x reader- playing dead

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Your P.O.V

I was sitting with Hannah, Zoey, Fiona, Katie and Kim as we all had a huge girly night at Kim's.

I wasn't really a girly girl but I would give the world to spend a night with my best friends.

"Okay. Let's play truth or dare." Kim suggested. We all agreed willingly.
"Okay Kim you go first." Hannah smiles.

Kim nods. "Okay. Zoey truth or dare?" She asks. "Hmmm truth." She grins.

Kim giggles. "What would you do if Rythian asked you on a date?" She joked. Zoey laughed. "I'd say thanks but no thanks. He's a great friend but nothing more." She said.

We continued for ages till Hannah asked me something that caught me off guard.

"(Y/N). Truth or dare?" She asked me.

"Truth!" I shout. She giggles. "What do you think of (Yours and Duncan's ship name)?" She asks. Knowing what I'm like about Duncan.

I couldn't keep the blush from creeping onto my face. "Well.. its a popular ship amongst the fandom...and I....well...." I trailed off and covered my face.

Making Kim squeal. "Oh my god! (Y/N) likes Duncan! We have to get you two together!" She squeaked.

I shake my head. "No! I don't even know if he likes me back. He probably doesn't. I mean look at me. What's so interesting about me?" I ask gesturing to myself.

"Well your (eye colour) eyes are definitely something special. Your (hair colour) hair is always perfectly done. Your practically perfect in every way!" Kim tells me.

I raise an eyebrow. "Kim Richards, are you flirting with me?" I laugh. She giggles. "I might be." She jokes. Making me laugh more.

Suddenly her face lit up like she had an idea. "I have the perfect plan to see if Duncan likes you or not!" She announces.

I blink. "You do?" I ask. She nods and we all huddle together to hear her plan.


Kim's plan was perfect and today we would put it into action.

The plan was Kim would use fake blood to make it look like I'd seriously wounded myself and I'd have to lie and play dead. Or dying....

"Your sure this'll work?" I ask as Kim dabbed my (favourite colour) top with the fake blood. It smelt like real blood so it added to the game.

She nods. "There's no one more gullible then Duncan Jones himself." She tells me as she pours fake blood down my arm and across my neck.

"If you say so." I say getting down onto the floor where a make shift blood puddle was.

"Okay give me a minute to get out then scream as loudly and as painfully as you can." She says as she follows Hannah put and switching the lights off in the common room. Leaving me in darkness.

I suck in my breath before letting out a blood curdling scream.

I lay down in the dark and made my breathing laboured.

Suddenly the door burst open and the lights flashed on as Duncan stood in the doorway. "(Y/N)!!" He called running to my side.

I faked a weak cough. "D-Duncan?" I croak. He lifts me up so I'm lying on his lap. "Oh (Y/N). What happened to you?" He asked. Looking at his blood covered hands.

"I... I don't.. k-know. It happened to fast. S-someone was...a-at the door. I felt pain a-all over my b-body then.. t-they were g-gone." I stutter. Surprised at how gullible he actually was.

"Your covered in blood. You need first aid. I..I'll be right back!" He said loudly. Trying to get up. But But i grab his sleeve.

"D-Duncan! No... Please don't leave me." I whimper. He looks down at me sadly. "I can't lose you."

"I..think..its to late." I whisper. Tears rim his eyes. "No (Y/N). I can't lose you. Not like this." He chokes out.

I make my eyes droop slowly shut. "No! (Y/N)! Stay awake!" He yells. Shaking me lightly.

I look up at him with half closed eyes before closing them completely and letting my head go limp.

"No. (Y/N). I love you." He whispered as he pressed his forehead against mine.

My eyes flickered open. "You do?" I whisper. He looks down down at me in shock. "Your okay?!" He asks. I smile. "Of course you big goof. There's not much damage that can be done in in a office block." I tell him.

He looks at me with a 'I could kill you right now look' before I grabbed his collar and pressed my lips to his.

He kissed back almost instantly and loud cheers were heard outside the door.

Duncan pulled away. "You guys were in on this to?" He asks with a smile.

I giggle. "It's your fault for being to gullible." I say tapping his nose. He grins and kisses me again.

This proves that some people will go goto extremes to know if someone loves them or not.

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