Sjin X Reader: Happy days

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Your P.O.V

Sometimes i felt a little left out when it came to being in the Yogscast.

Don't get me wrong i loved it there. The laughs and fun times we'd have. It was amazing.

But sometimes, I felt like a burden. I wasn't to close to anyone. And Hannah and Kim were always either with Lewis or Hat Films. I was the odd one out.

I sat editing mine and Sjin's new series when i got a text from my boyfriend.

I ignored it because i had to get this editing done before lunchtime. Which was at least an hour away.

I take a drink of water and push my (hair colour) hair behind my ears and continue my job.


I sighed as i finished my editing. With minutes to spare.

I take a deep breath and grab my phone. Looking at the message.

Jackson: don't come home for a while xx I have a surprise ;)

I blink. Hat was sent almost 2 hours ago so I thought going home would be okay. I sent him a message saying I was on my way before I packed up my stuff and left my office.

As I walked into the corridor I bumped into someone. Almost dropping my bag till they caught it.

"Sorry M'lady." Sjin joked passing me my backpack. "Thanks Sjin. I finished editing and I'm just on my way home. Text you later?" I ask nervously.

I liked Sjin. And I mean really liked him. But i highly doubt he'd like me back. And of course I had a boyfriend. That was also a thing.

"Yeh sure. Look later tonight I'm having a movie night with Sips since he's visiting. Would you like to join us?" He offers.

I nod. "Yeh sure! If I'm not busy. Jackson says he has a surprise planned so i have no idea what I'm in for." I tell him.

He looks a little down hearted at the mention of Jackson.

"Okay. Text me if your free!" He smiles before walking away. I sling my backpack onto my back.

I look at my phone. No reply from Jackson yet.

I shrug it off and start making my way home.

I pulled out my keys as i reached my flat and I unlocked the door. Wondering what kind of surprise Jackson had planned.

I placed my backpack down on the couch and put my keys on the table.

"Jackson?" I call I to the house. No response.

I walk slowly towards our bedroom. As I got closer I heard passionate moans coming from inside.

He was probably watching another porn film as he usually does. Usually I would just walk away and let him get on with it but something told me to open the door.

So i put my hand on the door handle and pushed open the door. My eyed widening at the horrifying sight before me.

Jackson was fucking some random girl on our bed!

I gasped at the sight of my boyfriend who I loved and trusted was cheating on me with some random chic!

The blond looked over at me and she gasped.

"What are you looking at?" Jackson asked looking behind him at me. His eyes widened. "(Y/N)!?" I asked loudly.

But before he could say another word I ran and grabbed my back before running out the door.

I spammed the button for the lift. Wanting it to arrive.

Suddenly the door to my apartment opened and a fully dressed Jackson ran out.

Fuck the lift.

I ran down the stairs away from him. "(Y/N)! Wait!" He called chasing after me.

"Leave next alone! You cheated on me!" I shout. Trying to run faster.

But it's just my luck to trip on the last step and fall to the ground.

I got up to run again but he grabbed my arm. I turned round and slapped his face. Making him let my arm go and clutch his face.

"Don't you ever come near me again! Your a selfish asshole and we are over!" I shout as I storm out of the building.

Leaving him behind with his new girlfriend.

I reach the park before breaking down in tears. After 3 years of us being together this is how he repays me?

By cheating on me?

I sit on the bench and bring my knees up to my chest. Burying my head into the crook of them and letting the tears flow.

I sat there for what felt like forever till I heard my phone buzz in my pocket. I pull it out and growl.

Jackson: I'm sorry. Please love. You weren't supposed to see that. Please forgive me. Xxxxxxx

I growl and throw my phone on the ground. Watching it smash into bits and pieces.

I hate him, I dislike him, I despise him.

I get up and kick my phone away into the bushes. Hearing another loud smash as it bounced off a branch.

I kick the final shard of phone across the pavement before running towards a place I k we I was always welcome.

Sjin's home.

It was getting dark now and Bristol wasn't the safest of places at nightfall.

With tears still dribbling down my cheeks I walk up to the house and knock on the door.

Sjin takes about a minute to answer the door and his cheery smile dropped when he saw my tear stained face.

"(Y/N)? Oh my god what happened?" He asked. I broke down again.

"He cheated on me!" I sob as he wraps his arms around me. "Who? Jackson?" He growls. I nod and cry I to his chest. He brings me inside where Sips is placing bowls of snacks onto the table.

Sips looked at me with a smile. Which soon fell. "What happened to you?" He asked. Sjin glared at him as he sat me down and hugged me.

After I told then all about how I found Jackson fucking some random chic Sjin offered to let me stay over night.

"Your always welcome here and you know that." Sjin said holding me closer. I smile and cuddle up to him.

For the rest of the night we watched movies and ate popcorn. They did all they could to make me laugh and they succeeded.

At the on of (favourite film) Sips got up and went to the toilet. Leaving me and Sjin alone.

I sighed. Jackson popping into mind.

"Whoa. Easy tiger." Sjin says as i started started to growl. I cough as as i realised what i was doing and blushed. "S-sorry Sjin. I'm just... I'm just feeling so betrayed." I tell him truthfully.

He sighs. "I'd never do that to you." He tells me. I blink. "What?" I ask. He goes red. " see.... I..." He sighs. "I'm jut gonna tell you straight. I like. No...fuck that. I love you. And when you you and Jason got together 3 years ago I was so jealous and I'm so fucking furious that he'd cheat on someone as amazing as you." He says quietly.

I smile. "You really feel that way?" I ask. He nods. "Of course I do. And if I ever see Jackson I swear to god I'll-" I cut him off by crashing my lips into his.

He kissed back and layed me down on on the sofa. Making sure not to put all his weight on me.

Suddenly we heard an awkward cough. We stopped kissing and looked over the the door where Sips stood smirking.

"I wouldn't have come back down if I knew you to were gonna get it on." He chuckled.

I laugh and Sjin climbs off me. Then Sips comes a sits back down.

It may be have been awkward but it was amazing.

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