Chapter 2 - Valuable resource

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Year later and only week after Daud killed the Empress he got a letter. He sat down in his char reading the handwritting he knew from somewhere.

Master Daud,
I need to speak with you in private, meet me in the Distillery District at 7pm.
M M.

"Are you going there master?" Billie asked. "Yes." Daud simply answered as he prepared for the trip. "What if it's trap?" Billie was worried because she always took an example from Daud she simply couldn't loose him at any time, he was like father to her. "Well then you will take care about the Whalers." He said and left Billie in her thoughts, sometimes Daud was very cold towards her especially now when he was vulnerabe. Billie noticed that he started drinking after he killed the Empress.

Daud was in Distillery District waiting for the man or a woman that wanted to see him, after moments of waiting he saw someone walking towards him. When the person got closer he noticed that it was woman, his bain clicked and he knew who that was it was the woman that he saved from the aristocrat about a year ago. "Master Daud, It's good to see you." She said as she came closer. "Mia Martin." Daud gave her slight bow. "What is the purpouse of bringing me here?" Daud asked the woman infrot of him. "Well belive me or not I saw you about a week ago." She paused to gie Daud little while to think. "I know what you did Daud but that's not why I am here. I've spoke to Hiram Burrows master Daud." Something told Daud that this woman will be valuable in the future. "Well he told me that you know too much." Daud knew what she was reffering to. "So?" Daud asked the woman infront of him. "Well you should lay low for a while, maybe get from this city." Mia's body language told Daud that she wasn't lying. "And why I would trust you? Hell why did you even told me that?" The woman smiled at him. "The answers are simple master Daud. Becuse you have no other option, well you can hang infron of hundreds maybe thousands people. The second answer is because I care about you and Whalers belive it or not." The woman was dead serious. "Why do you care about killers dressed like Whalers?" Daud asked and the woman smirked. "You are something like hero but not in eyes of everyone, you took street kids, thiefs under your wings, you trained them and basically saved their lives." Mia looked at Daud. "So you told me all that just because I took few kids under my wings?" He asked. "Yes and now... You should leave quickly." Mia looked behind him and he undertood, without word he dissapeared. Mia quickly hid in one of the building that surrounded her. "I heard that you got eaten alive in the poker gave yesterday." One guard chuckled. "I would want to see you." The second guard said clearly pissed off. Mia hold her laugh and when the guards passed she left the building just to bumb into Overseers.

"What are you doing here miss?" One Overseer asked. "Sorry sir I think that I got lost." Mia lied at least she tried. "I don't think so, cuff her boys." He said but Mia was quick she ran past them but they catched her by her coat, Mia quickly took her coat off and ran away from them. "Fuck, don't stand here! Catch her!" He roared to the other Overseers. "Fuck, fuck, fuuuuck." Mia whispered as she ran to the bridge that suddenly ended. "You have nowhere to run give up!" The Overseer yelled. With one deep breath Mia jumped from the bridge to the cold water, she staid under the water and then she noticed that the water sarted turning red. When Mia looked at her body she noticed that she was shot in her side.

When Mia got on solid ground she sat down holding her wound. Mia's word started to get blury and she knew that this will be her end, she lit her last cigarette and placed the cigarette to her lips, her head was leaning on the wall behind her. When she looked infront of her she saw someone standing infron of her. "Sadly I didn't brought any coin with me, sorry to dissapoint." She said with very weak voice. "I'm not here for the coin." Daud's raspy voice said and Mia looked at him, sadly she saw only blury mess. "You never dissapoint me master Daud." Mia geve him weah smile. "Well I see that you got hit badly, like it or not I need you so you are comming with me." He said and picked her bridal style. "I would never thought that the famous Knife of Dunwall will save my phatetic life." Mia said and put her hand around his neck and the second hand on her wound. "You shoud enjoy this moment." His sarcasm was very funny to her, maybe it was the alcohol she could smell from his breath or she was just really dreaming. When MIa passed out from the blood loss Daud placed her in his boad very careully.

"So you took her here?" Billie asked her boss. "Yes, as you may see Billie." Daud said and pointed at the woman in his bed. Billie couln'd belive that he took her here she was pissed by that but she didn't said a word to him. "You may leave now Billie." Daud ordered to her and she left, when she left he took a swing from his flask and lit his cigarette. "Smoking kills." The woman in daud'S bed said, he slightly jumped in his chair because he forgot she was there. "Yeah I know." Daud said and looked at Mia. "Thank you Daud." She thanked him and carefully sat on the bed.

"Can I ask you question Mia?" Daud asked and looked at very confused Mia. "Sure go on." Mia said. "Did I screw up by killing the Empress?" Daud asked with pain in his voice, he didn't noticed it but Mia did. "I'm not going to lie to you Daud you screw up pretty badly but that's the past Daud you need to look to the future even though it's not that bright right now." Mia said and stepped closer to Daud. "Thanks." He thanked her and patter her on her shoulder. Daud had strange feeling about Mia not in the bad way but she was way to kind to everyone who would have thought that she was something like assassin.

One night, month after Mia joined the Whalers Daud took her on a mission, he wanted to know more about the woman he saved. "Our target should be in that building." Mia said and pointed at the building. "I would do this quietly, there is a lot of guards on the streets." Daud though for a while. "Alright you will go from the top, I will go from the bottom we will meet in the middle." "As you wish."

Mia teleported on the roof and jumped on the balcony under her, she didn't had problem killing most of the men that got in her way. Mia was in the middle of the house waiting for Daud suddenly pair of hands held her under her neck. "You won't get from here alive." The man said, Mia hit him with her elbow ho his stomach repeatedly until she felt his grip loosen. She took her blade and stabbed it in his stomach twisting it until the man fell on the ground.

Daud saw her when her bade was through the man, she was covered in blood that wasn't hers to Daud's surprise. "Let's finish this job." Mia said and Daud opened heavy door to the last room they haven't entered yet. Man stood behind the desk with no emotions whatsoever. "I've expected you to came alone." The man said, before he could do anything Daud ended his miserable life. "That was quick." Mia said to the assassin. "I'm not going to waste any time talking with that pig." Daud said and walked to the man's corpse, looking for something valuable. "Found something on him?" Mia asked as she walked closer looking at Daud's hands how quickly looked through the pockets. "Just few documents and some coins, nothing much." Daud said and got up from his knees.

"I'm surprised by your fighting skills Mia, you are surprising me day after day, more and more." Daud smiled at her, it was just a little but she saw it and it was very valuable for her.

The trip back to the Flooded District wasn't that bad, they talked and Mia overshared few memories. " grew up in Karnaca?" Daud asked. "Yeah, I had friend there but he dissapeared one night and he never came back." Mia answered him, suddenly Daud got flashback on his childhood where he met girl when he was about to turn sixteen, the girl was four years younger than him, he almost fell in love but he moved to Dunwall before he could do anything.

"Hey, Daud? Are u there?" Mia woke him up from his flashback. "Hmm, yes?" Daud looked at her. "You didn't answered my question." Mia said. "Oh so what was the question?" Daud was really confused. "I asked how you see yourself in few years." Mia said. "Well, I don't even know if I'm going to be honest." Daud replied and Mia looked at him. "With your type of work I'm not surprised." Mia quietly said.

"And how about you? Have you thought about your future?" Daud asked Mia. "I did.. But I'm thirty-eight and even if I had someone that I love I still couldn't conceive a child." Mia said and looked at the ground. "I'm sorry to hear that." Daud said, he did accomplished knowing more about Mia but he didn't expected that kind of information.

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