Chapter 3 - Overseer's plan

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Another couple of months went by, Mia started to notice much more Overseers patrolling through the district. "Daud?" Mia asked and Daud looked at her. "Yeah, what is it?" He looked at her eyes , he got lost in them but not for long. "I've noticed much more Overseers in this part of the city I'm getting worried that Burrows has plan to get rid of you." Mia said with her hands behind her back. "Interesting, anyway we have job to do so prepare for departure in an hour." Daud said and Mia went prepare for the job.

They walked to their destination, Mia didn't felt great when they arrived. "Something is wrong Daud." Mia said as they stood on the Kaldwin's Bridge. "Yeah we are here on time but he isn't that's weird." Daud said but before he could do anything the sound of Overseer's music broke the science. "Run!" Daud said and pushed Mia to safety. Overseers started running from all the directions. "Stop right there, you criminal scum!" The Overseers yelled. Daud looked at Mia. "This is it." Mia whispered as she saw the Overseers point their guns at them, Daud looked around them and noticed that under them is just water.

Daud didn't hesitated and pushed Mia to the water, the Overseers arrested him, Mia fell into the cold water below her. The Overseers looked where she landed but they knew that she couldn't survive the fall. "The Knife of Dunwall, we thought that you was much more clever not to fall in our trap." The Overseer said and they pushed Daud away.

Mia got on the ground behind Kaldwin's Bridge. "I need to tell others." Mia ran fastest she could back to Flooded District. "Billie, Thomas! Anyone?" She catched attention of others. "What is happening? Why are you wet and where's Daud?" Billie asked. "He has been captured by Overseers, they took him alive." Mia said with her last breath. "What?" Thomas was shocked. "It was a trap, they knew about us." Mia replied. "We need to get him from there now!" Billie said with anger.

Mia found older map of Coldridge Prison and placed it on Daud's table. "Well since Corvo is there it will be hard to get there." Thomas said. "Well... Yes but ne cannot let that frighten us." Mia said and lifted her index finger. "So what is your plan? You went there with him, you should be the one getting capture." Billie hissed. "God dammit Billie.. You are the first in charge, you should have plan." Mia said with crossed arms.

Daud was dragged to the prison and threw him in an empty cell. "The Knife of Dunwall in Cambridge Prison how poetic." Woman voice said and laughed at the end. "You will be questioned in a few hours." The woman said, she had light brown hair with brown eyes and she was pretty tall.

Few hours later guards came and dragged Daud to the interrogation room. "Tie him down." The woman said. "Ah Daud how much I've heard about you~." The woman said in seductive tone. "I hope that aonly good things." Daud said with sarcasm and a slap instantly flew on his cheek. "You will speak when you are told!" The woman said and they both was there in silence. "Now tell me, did you felt good pushing your lovers to her death?" The woman asked. "She isn't my lover." Daud said and looked at the woman. "You tried to save her but you failed, we've found her body. Guards!"

Daud was frozen in place when the door opened and he heard two guards walked in. "No.." Daud almost whispered when he saw Mia's body, but then ot hit him this wasn't the uniform she wore this uniform was grey and she had black one when he saw her few hours ago. "You killed her Daud, she could live if you didn't pushed her off the bridge." The woman said as the guards took the body away, daud didn't looked up he just stared at his lap.

Mia sat in Daud's chair with pen in her right hand and bottle of whiskey in her left hand. "We need more coin to get him back." Thomas said as he sat across her. "Well maybe we could... I don't know..." Mia was devastated. "We need to get all.the jobs we can until the word that Daud's locked up will spread." Thomas said. "That's true, go and get some jobs." Mia said and Thomas went to get them more coin.

Few days went by, Mia wrote few pages to her journal. Mia was currently sitting in the window in Daud's office looking at the city. "Mia?" Thomas asked. "Yes?" Mia looked at him. "His execution is going to be in one month, the same day is taking place Corvo's execution. I suggest waiting for hie execution and then get him from there." Thomas looked at Mia, she was tired she didn't slept at all. "Wherr it will be?" Mia asked. "On the Dunwall Tower courtyard, Corvo's execution will be in Coldridge." Thomas gave Mia little bit of hope. "Alright I'm going to think about it in details." Mia got up and sat behind Daud's desk.

"What are you doing?" Thomas asked. "Thinking." Mia said as she laid on Daud's desk. "I see, everything is easier with a bottle." He placed bottle next to her. "I need to keep my head clean." Mia said as she looked at Thomas. "I think that i got a plan but it's wild." Mia said looking back at the ceiling. "Well tell me then, because it's your plan or letting him get executed." Thomas said, Mia got down from the table.

"The courtyard is quite large, it will be filled with people because who wouldn't want to see the biggest assassin hang?" Mia paused. "Everyone?" Thomas asked. "Exactly, we will dress like nobles and we will blend with the crowd." Mia smiled and placed map of the Dunwall Tower on the table. "See this will be the place where he will hang, we need to be there very early but not much we don't want to be suspicious. When they will bring Daud there we will attack and in the chaos we will get Daud and vanish from the place." Mia said with her hands in the air. "Well it's crazy but it's our only option, Billie said that you got him in this mess so that you will get him from the mess." Thomas said.

"Your friends didn't came to visit?" The woman asked. "They have hands full with work." Daud said and looked at the woman. "That's so sad, don't make me cry." The woman joked, Daud gave her very cold stare. "Don't look at me like that Daud~. I will send your cold dead body to them." She laughed, Daud didn't react to her comments he sat on his bed  and thought about how this will end. "Maybe your friends will be there on the execution, if they will you will see them suffer. All of them." The woman said and left, Daud looked at the ceiling, he never thought that the Outsider listened to his prayers but now he hoped.

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