The Truth-eth Becometh to the Surface-eth

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~reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee we have SO many plans for this part two you have no idea. More characters, more character interaction, all the works. So stay the fuck tuned bitch. *kiss* *kiss* *kiss*


"What's going on with Dream?" Toua asks as she and Techno sit at the kitchen table eating dinner.

"He's sick, not feeling well." Techno says.

"Don't lie to me, Blade." Toua says in a non-accusing way. "There's a difference in their activity."

Technoblade is silent for a minute, eating the soup he had made.

"Listen. We didn't want to tell you because we didn't want you to worry." Techno starts, setting his spoon down on his napkin. "Dream and I let them take Dark... BUT- I brought him back to life using a revival book which only Dream knew how to use but he taught me so I could bring him back and now I think his memory is messed up again."

Toua just stares at Techno for a while, not really looking like she understood.

"Okay." She says. "I mean- like- you know... I don't really know how to- do- feelings..."

"Same." Techno says.

"So... Dark is loose." She says more than asks.

"Umm... didn't really think about that..." Techno says. "I didn't see him during the whole thing so maybe he's like them now; not really a physical being?"

Toua shrugs, going back to eating.

"Oh- crap-" Techno says suddenly, causing Toua's ears to press back against her hair. "Sorry... I should probably warn the leaders over in the DreamSMP lands... they might want to know that there's the potential of a creature coming to attack them..."

"Yeah... but you even think about the chaos it could cause." Toua says nonchalantly like it was a normal thing to say about this situation.

"I... I mean- yeah... but sometimes chaos of that level isn't the best idea..." Techno says. "Listen to me. Becoming a parent has softened me. This is your fault." He says in a joking manner. (Mans really said /j)

"Hey... it is what it is." Toua says. "When will he get his memory back?" She asks after a beat of silence in a more serious tone. (Man's really said /srs)

Techno takes more than a few seconds to answer. "Hopefully soon. It seems like he hasn't forgotten, but he's like- can't remember why he remembers... if that makes sense."

"Yeah. So just- retell him what he doesn't remember?" Toua asks.

"We did this before; we being Dream and I. We started with seeing what he last remembered and then worked from there, just giving vague prompts and letting him fill in the blank spots. We'll probably try that first." Techno says.

"Is there another bit of magic that could help with regaining his memory like you did before?" Toua asks, placing her spoon in the now empty bowl.

"Don't know. We'd have to talk to someone else about that." Techno says, standing up and taking their two bowls to the sink and washing them.


"Well how do I tell them to be prepared without causing a widespread panic?" Eret asks, pacing up and down the throne room as Skeppy sits on the stairs leading up the the throne.

"You could just tell them to stay on alert but not to worry." Skeppy says, eyes tracking the paper that waved wildly in the king's hand.

"Then they would worry." Eret says. "We need a way to tell them to stay on alert but for them to actually not panic."

"I don't think that's possible."

"Well- what about- I don't know... We can't do it as an announcement because that's a recipe for disaster... it has to be kept on the down-low but still... like-"

"What about just telling the adults? Like telling Philza, Jack, Karl, Quackity, and Charlie. Then don't let them know you've told other people to also be on alert and then widespread panic won't ensue." Skeppy says, cutting in at a pause in Eret's worries.

"I- yeah... that's a good idea. Why didn't I hire you sooner?" Eret says with a laugh. "Do I send a letter to them separately or tell them in person or..."

"Whatever you feel is best. Letters would draw less attention although in person could be played off as just checking in on people." Skeppy says, laying leisurely back on the steps, definitely looking uncomfortably comfortable. (It's a thing don't question it)

"Right..." Eret says, thinking for a second. "I'll think on it and do whatever it is in the morning."

"Sounds good. Shall we get dinner now? I'm hungry." Skeppy complains as his stomach growls.

"Yeah, sure." Eret says, folding the letter and placing it in their pocket before walking beside Skeppy towards the kitchen, making dinner for themselves as Ant had the day off. (Considering Eret and Skeppy relationship, either one sided or mutual but let me know what y'all think)


~from now on we're going to refer to the DreamSMP/L'Manburg area as The Lands because it's easier to say and that's how I've been referring to them in my note recently. (Aka I just came up with the term today and we're now going to use it.). Also would you guys like me to try and make a somewhat accurate timeline of all events in this story so far? I haven't done that in a while and I think it would be fun so let me know. Hope you enjoyed :)

Part 2 Remember ~Dreamnoblade~Where stories live. Discover now