A speech that doesn't end in chaos

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~YEEESSSS I CAN FINALLY LIKE YALLS COMMENTS!!!!!! Also, I'm just gonna stop apologizing for the long waits😵‍💫 it's just a normal thing now for irregular updates to this story. TW-> very brief mention of death (fake story/excuse type)


Techno tenses before simply saying, "Dead."

Phil's eyes widen in shock, clearly being left speechless.

"What?! What did I miss?! How long was I asleep?! Don't worry, Dream's not actually dead, Techno's just saying that so they don't reveal that Dream is alive in the rental house. Omg- don't scare us like that, Blade. I thought it was clear it was a coverup. We're too damn attached to Dream. WE CAN'T LOOSE HIM AGAIN!!!!! Calm down, Dream's okay. He's safe, and this is just keeping him safer."

"Dead?" Phil asks, nearly dropping the glass he held.

How could Techno spin this so that Phil doesn't mention that Dream ever came back after freeing Dark? What kind of story could he possibly come up with on the spot?

"Don't know." Techno lands on. "Great, now where do I go with that?" He asks himself. "Walked into the cabin after going hunting and found him dead in the storage room." God, he hoped that Phil would go along with this story. He knew Dream lost his memory again, please, please let him go along with Techno's story.

Phil gets a look of understanding in his eyes, and nods before going back into shocked mode, this time, as an act.

"Oh, I'm so sorry." Phil says. "My condolences..." he adds, patting Techno on the shoulder.

Aimsey and Freddy were thoroughly confused; from what Phil had told them, Dream was alive, and Techno, and they assumed Dream too, were living in one of the rental houses.

The two of them shared confused looks with one another, non-verbally communicating with one another; something they'd learned over the years of living along side each other.

"Shall we change the subject?" Phil asks, still putting on the false mask of sympathy.

"Yes." Techno says, catching himself when he starts to slip back to normal too quickly.

They do change the subject, start talking about how potatoes grow, and weirdly having some kind of disagreement about it.(?)

Toua was scanning the room, discreetly, the way she normally would, but, this time, looking for very specific things that could hint towards something major happening.

Her and Techno had discussed that if Eret were around, the two of them would make it seem as though they weren't here together.

Techno had said that he was too worried about Dark finding out Toua was his daughter, and using that against him. Toua understood where the older hybrid was coming from, and agreed.

So when the door to the far left of the raised platform thing started opening, Toua hit the back of Techno's calf with her tail before calmly walking over to where Tommy, Tubbo, and Ranboo were.

Techno had glanced at her for a split second after her tail hit him, and then went back to normal as he saw her walking away. He knew the plan, and knew that that meant Eret was here.

And low and behold, the music quieted, and a door closed.

Their little group, along with the other attendees, moved their gazes to the raised platform where Eret elegantly strode to the center of the platform in front of the throne.

"Welcome!" Eret says, flourishing their hands in a way to address everyone in the room. "We're so glad you all could make it to this royal ball of ours." He continues.

"We?" Phil quietly asks through the side of his mouth at Techno. (Sense words make?)

Techno gives him nothing in response, carefully watching the king make his speech.

"You may be wondering why we've decided to throw a ball with no apparent announcement or bug happening... Well... that's simply what it is: just a royal ball to get us all together. Have fun, and such." Eret says, their cadence slightly off at times. This could be suspicious, or, Techno was reading too much into it; which was highly possible.

"Thank you all for coming. It means a lot to see you all happy together." The king continues, eyes landing on Techno.

Eret's eyes change for a split second, something no one would notice, except for Techno, who the change in expression was clearly angled towards.

The way Techno held his muscles changed, his weight distributed evenly, suddenly aware of the way his spine felt within his back. (I'm suddenly aware of how my spine feels in my back•_•)

The moment between the two of them was broken as quickly as it came, but there was no mistaking what Techno had seen, what he'd 'been told'.

He didn't dare, though, to look in Toua's direction, not immediately, probably not even while the speech was still happening.

He had to let her know the plan was for sure going to have to happen, but it'd have to wait.

How long could it possibly wait? How long did they have? God, he hoped this wasn't like the festivals where all hell broke loose as soon as speeches were finished. (dream SMP moment😵‍💫)

"...so let's enjoy our evenings and have a good time." Eret finishes their speech. Good, there was no 'let the royal ball begin' bullshit. It seemed the... whatever was going to happen, wouldn't be happening right now; they at least had a bit of time.

Eret walks down a small flight of stairs, off of the raised platform, and onto the dance floor area thing, starting to make his way around the room, greeting a mingling with the guests.

Techno looks around quickly, looking for Toua to give her a look of 'yeah it's happening', but she's distracted by Tommy's, quite frankly very distracting, antics.


~Idk if I've shown this dynamic very well in this fic so far, but Dark is in love with Techno. Like head over heals, obsessive stalker ex, type of love. Just thought I'd clarify that. Also sorry is the tone is weird and changes all the time here, I wrote it in three different sittings, in three different moods😵‍💫. Hope you enjoyed:)

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