Chapter 9

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Will Solace

I was gone for five minutes, and when I come back, what do I see? Nico killing a hellhound and getting scratched in the process. I picked him up and took him out to my car. Then this kid shows up and asks me about him, which I'm very wary about, until he says he's Sadie's brother, and then I know I can trust him. As he walks away, I lean down and kiss Nico's angelic face. I look up and see Carter staring, and I mouthed to him not to tell anyone. Thank the Gods he agreed, otherwise, Nico probably would have killed me.      

After he walks away, I grab some ambrosia out of my glove compartment and make Nico eat some. I then take him to his apartment complex and carry him upstairs, earning me some strange looks. I went upstairs and knocked on a random door. Percy came out and was about to say something when he registered my face, then Nico's. He quickly ushered me in and put Nico on a bed in the guest room. I stopped and looked around at the apartment and marveled at it. Of course, the gods had very deep pockets. They could literally make money appear out of then air. Percy called Mrs. O'Leary. When she arrived, he got on her back and pulled Nico and me on. He then whispered in her ear and a second later we were in a room that had to be Nico's. You could tell because it was black with skeletons everywhere.

I began healing Nico with supplies I found in his bathroom. In a matter of minutes he was up, looking confused at his surroundings. Then he caught a glimpse of Percy and then me. He seemed to remember what happened, which was good because Percy (and me) wanted to know what happened.

"Well, after you went to the bathroom, I heard a voice yelling my name. I looked at the person and saw it was Carter. He told me to look behind me and I saw it was a hellhound. I turned back at him, wondering how he saw it. Then I remember the hound and asked it if it was a messenger from my dad. It was not. So I fought it, but when I killed it, it scratched me. The End!" Nico told me.

"You know, today was truly great day for me. I got to go. Bye Nico." I said then kissed him.

"Bye Will." Nico whispered back

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