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 She's back. She left when dad needed her the most to rescue the creature that hurt her beyond description and left in a depression that threatened to tear everything in our family to shreds. Dad fell apart when he came home from Harry's funeral to find that Bella had skipped town with Alice Cullen to save her precious Edward. She lied and said they went to LA when truth was they ran to Italy to save Edward from some sort of vampire royalty. If it wasn't enough to hurt her father, she also left Jacob in angry heartbreak. He could barely make it through a meal without phasing from anger or pain. He spent most of his time as a wolf and that was affecting Billy. Where would this end? The list kept growing as to the people that had to suffer because of my sister.

I was never one to deeply hate a lot of people, but suddenly the list had been growing. From just Paxson and his family, to every leech that walked the earth, and my own sister for her selfishness and stupidity. I found out later that the pack had been chasing Victoria and almost had her when they heard Bella scream as she jumped off the cliff. Bella had provided enough of a distraction that Quil received a couple broken ribs and Victoria got away. Jake had to dive into the dangerous water as the storm came in to save Bella before Victoria could get to her and had even had to revive her as she nearly drowned. All this as hell broke loose of the other side of the rez with Leah and Seth phasing and Harry's heart attack.

None of this had to happen. For the first time since Bella had come to Forks I truly wished she had just stayed or gone back to live with her mother. Without her the pack would have remained small, the pack wouldn't have to be risking their lives to protect her from this revenge seeking vampire, dad would be safe in his own home, Harry would be alive and able to see his children grow up and have their own children, the Cullens would have moved on by now and poor Jacob wouldn't be spiraling in heartbreak over her as she ditched him for a cold walking corpse that was a danger to everyone it and it's 'family' came in contact with.

Since Leah and Seth had phased everything had once again fallen into chaos no matter how hard Sam tried. Seth was a good sport about everything that was going on, but Leah was spiteful. She was doing everything in her power to make everyone as miserable as she was. I was her main target. She blamed me for Sam leaving her and for being the leech lover's sister. She saw me as an enemy and made damn well sure that I knew it at every twist and turn. Sam was about pulling his hair out of his head as he tried to keep the peace and make everything work. He was running around like a chicken with his head cut off as he ran between the council, the pack and the Cullens. The only time he was home was to crash into our bed and get a short few hours of sleep before the cycle continued the next day.

The only thing the whole pack had in common was an anger at the Cullens for causing this. Jacob for taking Bella away and leaving the pack to deal with Victoria while they ran off. Sam because it caused all of them to give up the possibility of a normal life and ever having a chance to do anything outside of La Push. Jared for putting his family and Kim in danger. Paul for making him phase, as it caused his temper to ravel out of control, he tried so hard and some days it was impossible to put a lid on and putting his new found imprint in danger. Embry for the life he was forced to live, the secrets and the disconnect between him and his mother. Quil for putting his new found imprint in danger. Leah for making her phase, taking away Sam and her father from her, ruining her life as she had planned it. Seth was the least angry. He was more or less upset at the chaos and danger that it brought to those around him.

Since the Cullens had come back, Bella had spent even less time at home with dad. He felt that he was losing her to the Cullens again and he was. The only difference from September and now is that they weren't going to leave Bella behind again. The next time they left they were going to take her with them and they were going to change her. He was going to lose her and he was going to lose her permanently. She would have to 'die' and that would break dad's heart. He already feared it after coming so close a couple times with Bella and I. When his fears became reality it was going to crush him and there was nothing that anyone could do about it. Dad would have to face a headstone with his daughter's name on it and have to grieve another loss at Forks Cemetery.

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