Past and Present

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 With the new alliance between the Cullens and the pack, Bella was now being 'allowed' to come to the res while he went hunting. Jacob was more than excited about the development, but the pack didn't share the joy. We all wanted him to get over her so when we finally got Victoria and Bella went away he wouldn't be destroyed like when Bella had run off to save Edward in Italy. Though Bella was spending more time here on the rez she still come to the house and I had a feeling she feared I would confront her like I had after she had returned from Italy.

Bella never liked facing consequences and at the moment all her decisions have led us all to the situation we are currently in. All the consequences that she had been avoiding are now converging on her and are threatening not only her, but everyone around her. Since Harry's death Sue and Billy have been keeping dad on the rez more and more. Billy feared for father's safety being in a house that was a target for a vampire and that constantly had vampire in and around it. Though I think Sue's reason were less about protecting dad and more she liked the company. If I didn't know any better I would say that there was something between the two of them.

Currently I was sitting at the table reading the paper as food cooked for the bonfire that the pack was holding tonight. I was excited to hear the legends again, they were my favorite stories, or histories I guess I should say, and no one could tell them the way Billy did. The way he told them was more like the way a man told the story of his life than a teacher reciting history. He spoke with a passion that was almost poetic in the way his deep voice told the legends confidently without hesitation.

My eyes scanned over the front page of the news paper, taking in the new statistics about the deaths in Seattle. The conspiracies had moved away from gang activity and turned into a tale of a wildly active serial killer that didn't confer between race, age or gender. The victims ran the gamete from a young white college girl, to a middle aged black man, to an Asian women in her twenties, to a Hispanic boy a year from graduating high school. There was no pattern the authorities could detect other than all the bodies were drained of blood, found dead without hours on going missing and all found burned and disfigured beyond recognition. The medical examiner had to rely on dental records and DNA testing to identify the victims.

I was brought out of my musing when Sam walked through the door from patrol. He was only in a pair of cut off shorts and was covered in dirt. I giggled as I saw a leaf stuck in his hair as he turned to grab a glass from the cabinet. He looked over his shoulder and raised an eyebrow before getting his drink and taking a seat across from at the table. I laid the paper down on the table and walked around behind him to free the leaf from his hair. When I reached for the leaf I found two more and giggled some more.

"What's so funny back there?" Sam asked and turned around to look at me. I smiled and held up the leaves in my hand.

"Get in a fight with a tree?" I asked and giggle again. Sam chuckled and shook his head.

"No, just wanted to make your day interesting." Sam said and I smiled.

"Mission accomplished." I said and pecked his cheek. I walked toward the stove, but the paper caught my attention and my mood sobered.

"Did you see this?" I asked and handed Sam the paper. His eyes scanned over the headline and he sighed.

"It's getting bad." He said and I could see a flicker of anger in his eyes. As Sam read over the headline I walked over to the stove and checked on the food.

"What time do you want to get to the beach?" I asked Sam and leaned on the counter.

"The meeting will start at seven with the council. We could be there at six forty five so I can set up the table and you, Emily and Kim can set up the food." Sam said and I nodded and walked toward our bedroom. I changed out of sweatpants and long sleeve into a pair of jean capris and light yellow shirt before securing my pack anklet around my ankle.

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