Chapter 4 Keep your face covered

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Chapter 4: Keep your face covered

All the kids had blank faces, except for the one named Dustin. “OK!”Time For Fun!” Everyone glared at him. “ Kind of fun!”  Then Elizabeth yelled, “ YEAH!” The kids and the slaves were very excited to get going to freedom. “ Unlike some other slaves we are helping you all the way to freedom. The anxiety on their faces showed. They wanted so badly to get to freedom, and the teens wanted to help them. But unfortunately, the world doesn’t trust kids. The group met in the wood and each of the slaves were dressed fully. They each had their faces covered. The kids had cloaks and wore peasant clothes and looked normal..  but Sophie could tell there are bounty hunter on our tail. So the friends hopped on a carriage and got going. It was about  5 until all the trouble began…

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