Chapter 6 The dark cold prison

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Chapter 6: The dark cold prison" Hey, come look at this it is a bunch of kids and two adult slaves."  Once cruel man said. " I bet they don't know who we are!" Another one said. No one was brave enough to speak except for one. " We know who you are idiots!" It was Naveen. They curled into a smirk.  " Hey the little kids know us. Get them boys." Yelled the first man. The boys ran full speed and bit the kids. When they hurt to bad to fight back they put them in a wagon. Some kids were strong some were sleeping. The only strong ones was Dustin and Sophie. They were coming up with a plan. " Then we will run out and run to his home, Nethial Pettwood. I heard he has lots of costumes. This is our plan we will just drag everyone else along." " Sounds great." Said Sophie. They both  lay down to sleep. There no sleeping in the case the are in. Sophie sat up with the safety guide and wrapped everyones wounds. Then she slept. Nevaeh sat up.She looked around and cried and said a prayer. " Dear lord, I wish lord I want to be free. To be honest lord I need to be free. Please lord, I am begging." Then she laid down and thought of freedom, and life. In the morning everyone woke up felt much better. Still achy though. Everyone felt bad. " We failed you." Kenna said sadly to Sebastian and Orianna. " Oh honey you didn't fail us."  " Guys look around..." They were all in a damp dusty prison. Elizabeth was freaking out. " WHAT ARE WE GOING TO DO!"  Everyone looked her.  Naveen rolled her eyes with Kenna. " We all need to remain calm. Me and Sophie came up with a plan last night. We will escape in a couple hours." said Dustin getting comfy. " You didn't tellus we had a plan!" yelled a frustrated Kenna!  Dustin looked down. " Sorry I am really confused." Said a embarrassed Kenna. " It is ok Kenna." said Dustin.  They looked around the blushed and looked away. Kenna walk  to Naveen and Dustin walked to Sophie.   Kenna whispered something and blushed again.  Everyone sat. They all tried. It didn't work out. But little did they know they would all have a happily ever after.

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