Chapter 9 Good Old Canada

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chapter 9: Good old CanadaThey had been traveling for hours. When the African americans slept the kids took shifts. The family was very grateful that the teens were risking their lives for them. They were as smart as a 35 years old in their opinion. They knew they were closer to freedom everyday.  Meanwhile Kenna and Dustin were up doing their shifts. Kenna was in the back making sure no dogs where following. She read a book. Dustin was controlling the horses carrying the cart. They were each doing good. Kenna put down the book and opened a map. " One more day and then we will be at Canada ."  They looked at each other. " Well will we do this again or stay in Canada where we are safe?"  Kenna thought about that. " Well I don't think I would do this again, I want to do my career choice of life. Be a vet."  Dustin agreed. He didn't want to risk his life again. What would the others say though?  "Well time to change shifts tomorrow we say hello to Canada."said Kenna waking up Elizabeth and laying down into a deep sleep. Dustin look at her for a while, and then did the same. The teens woke up to the slaves. They were excited about the news that they were close to Canada. By tonight we are going to be in Canada. The slaves smiled. Then Nevaeh closed her eyes. " I hope we are there soon I am so bored!" Then Elizabeth leaned and said, " Me too! I feel you sister!"  Nevaeh laughed. Sophie was stunned. " You laugh! She laughed everyone!" The entire cart cheered! It was night everyone was anxious. Where was Canada. Would they like it. " Relaxe people." Dustin said to the slaves. " You will love Canada.I know it because we are there." Said an overjoyed Dustin.

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