Chapter 7 On the Road with Faith again

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Chapter 7: On the road with a blessingIt was around 2:00 and they realized escaping couldn't wait. The slaves were to be sold at a auction around 4:00 that day. Also the kids were to be taken far away were there they would be destined to be kept there their entire rest of their lives. They knew there were far worse destinies but this one was also not the best. The kids were frantic except for one. Nevaeh sat up. "If you aren't going to help us let ME help." Nevaeh was determined then her eyes water up. " I just want to be free. I want to spend a day without worry I will breed as a 11 year old or be whipped till I bleed too much to move." Her parents ran over to her. They let her wipe her tears on their clothing. All the kids were almost in tears too. " Nevaeh, I am so so sorry. We've studied for years. I am NOT giving up." said Kenna. Everyone agreed. The all looked around. More determination in their eyes. They all began seeing with new eyes. Their faces beamed brighter. Their scars healed quicker. " We are in this together." They whole group hugged. " We are going to escape. I know this because, I am here to help. I would have left by now if I didn't believe." Said Naveen. See looked around to make sure everyone was following. " I would have left if it wasn't for OUCH! What was that for!" Cried Elizabeth running around. " We are not going to leave them right guys." Elizabeth was still running. " OF COURSE! That was in my RIB CAGE!" The group laughed. Lets do this. It was 2:30 when Nevaeh and the gang made a epic escape. Kenna and Naveen were very beautiful. So when they saw this guard man he fell for them. " Please let us out we got caught with these people! We weren't helping them! Well he believe that. " How could they!" he said " here.": He opened the gate and they ran. " Thanks! I could never repay you! You are great!" Naveen yelled. Kenna grabbed her. "Come we have to get on the road with their faith again."

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