Chapter 5 The Dogs

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Chapter 5: The dogs

It was night when it began. When they heard the dog barks. One after one after one. It was bad news and everyone knew it. Even Nevaeh’s dolly knew it was bad. It was windy and all was silence until, WOOF ROW WOOF! I was bad and everyone knew it.  “ Quick Dustin faster!” The cart when as fast as it could but then while Nevaeh looked back and her cape flew off and the dogs saw her. “ ARGH what did you do!” Sophie said in exasperation. “ You blew our cover!” Nevaeh looked sad enough. Her face never changed. It stayed depressed. “ Dude, Sophie she feels bad enough!” said Kenna. The dogs caught up and looked way more nasty and cruel close up. They threw off the wheels with sharp teeth. “ May I say that curse word now?” said a letdown Elizabeth.        “No you may not, we do not use those words.” said a rambouncuss Sophie.  The crew all looked down. “ This is bad! This is bad!This is so bad!” Yelled Naveen.                       

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