Chapter 10: Freedom, feels free

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Chapter 10: Freedom, feels free The slaves were amazed. They could be smell and feel what freedom felt like. This land was special. They were the happiest they had been in months. Everyone clapped. But this wasn't the only surprise they were going to get. " Guys, we hope you like Canada." Naveen said. She rubbed her scars. Yet she wasn't sad. None of them were. " Hopefully you'll love it even more because we are going to stay here too!" Said Elizabeth. " We are done risking our lives. Also we are probably gonna have to leave forever if we went back. We are safe here." The slaves were too gasped to speak. Nevaeh cried her mother smiled their father beemed. " We see you as family now. How can we repay you?" The kids smiled. Kenna and Dustin stepped forward holding hands. " You need not repay us. You are the ones getting gifts right now." Everyone else stepped forward nodding heads. Nevaeh stepped forward. " Well, I guess we all have a happily ever after like in those storybooks me and dolly heard about!" Kenna and Naveen said together, " Yes it is. Just smell the air it is the air of freedom. Freedom, Freedom feels free!" They all hugged and rode to a carriage the kids lived in before. The kids decide Nevaeh needed her own room and more dolls and toys so they each gave their childhood toys to Nevaeh. Then Sophie the wisest one taught her how to read and write. Dustin gave his room to the parents. He said he could sleep on the couch. Life was perfect. Every night Nevaeh could pray without being caught or worrying. " Dear lord, Thank you. I am overjoyed with my new life. I learned freedom, oh yes the gift you gave me, freedom feels free.

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