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Carlos and I cuddle for the next 30 minutes and finish our breakfast in bed. We each have the day off, so that means we can do more together. I cannot wait until we unveil the day's activities as they eventually pop up out of the bushes outside interrupting our day and switching it suddenly to night.

No, I am not talking about the moon rise and the sunset. I actually mean there is an unidentifiable object that jumps out at you and makes your mind think it is the evening.

I constantly flip through the Sunday Christian broadcasts with a small growl bubbling in the back of my throat and Carlos has his arm wrapped around my shoulders the whole time giving me a confused look. I finally whisper in a mad tone, "atheist" to him, and he nods in understanding.

Oh. My. Glow cloud!! Why are there so many Christian programs?! Why can't I watch something decent in the Sunday morning?! I yell angrily in my head. I finally give up and turn off the TV, throw down the remote on the sheet, and throw my head back with a groan.

"It's okay, Cecil." Carlos says with a laugh.

"No, it's not!" I say. "I mean, Sunday is a day for actual people, too, right? For people who want to spend their weekend without religion!"

"Cecil, it's fine. We can find something else to do." He says calmly. Carlos gets up to put on some actual clothes. The rays of Sun shine through the curtain and dance on his gentle, soft, caramel skin and through his dark, curly hair.

Oh, isn't that scientist perfect.

Mr. Scientist (Cecilos)Where stories live. Discover now