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Carlos left to the lab as I finish up my eggs. I pull out my phone and text him: Hey, can I borrow some clothes?
Though I am so much taller than him, I am very thin. I can fit his clothes.. possibly.
He responds: Of course, send me OOTD.
I respond: Ty, of course I will.
I eat half a piece of bacon, throw leftovers away, and go back to Carlos' room.
I push through his closet, through his coats, old coats, new ones, worn ones, through a few flannels and his tees and jeans and slacks. If he has slacks, he must have a blazer in here somewhere. I grab a pair of the blackest slacks he has, and a dark blazer once I find one.
I soon drift off to a daydream as I dress. I imagine us living together, happy, in love. But it's so soon, yet I can feel it. We love each other. I know I do. A date, drinks, and falling asleep next to each other. I imagine that is my perfection. He is my perfection. We are my perfection.
His slacks don't cover my ankles, and the black converse I'm borrowing are a squeeze, but I can manage. I cover my ankles with black socks and find a full body mirror. I snap a pic and send it.
oh this? I got it from Carlos' Closet. My favorite clothing supplier, and my 😌 I send him with the picture and laugh at it.
Carlos: You're so cute. Sorry everything's so small.
Me: It's fine, I know how to fix little things like this.
Carlos: 😂😂
Carlos sends me a picture of him holding a beaker with a purple substance.
Me: Cutie. Gtg, ttyl.
Carlos: Bye. ❤️
I put my phone in my pocket and leave the house, I forgot my coffee but that's okay, I think Carlos' breakfast filled me up, and his kiss gave me energy.
I arrive at the station a few minutes early before Station Management wakes up. He says that he "likes to see his voice of the city before the city wakes up." And getting yelled at by Station Management is one of the scariest things to have to go through...and annoying. He's always ranting about his small closet like office crammed with bodies of burned corpses taking the saying "fired" a bit too far..and Jane. I don't remember a Jane working here, or interning...oh well.
I enter the sound box and check the time, 9:07 AM. I start the recording that will air when I go home, 5:30 PM. When it's "evening." These past few days evening isn't really evening, more like, sunrise.
Time doesn't exist here. Possibly not anywhere. Just an assumed measurement that we may never be correct about. What's the real time? We don't know. We just look at markings and assume we know what they mean. What if there is a galactic language that we are all fluid to reading and speaking? We may never know. And you won't. So, don't even think about it. I never said anything, you're just imagining it. It's you who's reading these markings.
I sort out my papers and look over at a steaming mug of coffee with a note that reads, "HEAR you go Mr. Palmer. P.S. I'm bad at puns. P.P.S. I made it the way you like it. P.P.P.S. I am not an adult. I laughed at that second remark. ~Maureen."
I shake my head and smile, I take a sip and hit the record button. I greet the audience and stop for an ad that was previously recorded a while back. My phone buzzes.
Carlos: I'm hearing everything, I found a way to hack your radio signals so I get everything live. Sorry.
I laugh.
Me: Well then, if the Sheriff finds out, you're in trouble mister. But I'm sure he doesn't even listen seeing that I talk about the secret police too much.
Carlos: Hah, want me to bring lunch around?
Me: No, I was planning on finishing early to come see you. I'll bring lunch, how does Arby's sound?
Carlos: I can't really hear it, sorry, the lab isn't that close. The image of it looks good. But what about pizza? A half pizza? Two quarters?
Me: Yeah, sounds good. But I'm craving Arby's. We can get pizza for dinner. I'll finish around 1, so I'll get at least half a day in.
Carlos: OK, see you then. Ttyl.
I watch the clock, and giving it very quick and brief glances until those four miserable hours are up. Not miserable, just eager I suppose. I really want to see Carlos and his lab. My lunch break is about 30 minutes, but today, very luckily Station Management threw me a leg with a bite mark in the side. So today's a 1 hour lunch break. It varies from day to day. From a void of hours to nothing. Maybe worse than nothing, he eats my lunch. Maureen would bring me in some food, either during broadcast or in breaks in between recordings.

1 o'clock finally arrives, I press the stop button and jump out of my computer chair, and grab my wallet.
I walk out of the building and something grabs me by the hips and presses my lips against its. Oh Carlos. I can feel myself blushing, Carlos pulls away and lowers himself a bit. Oh, I forgot how short he actually was. I guess by a few inches I suppose.
"H-Hey, Carlos." I choke out.
"Hey, Ceec," he greets with a smile, "Sorry, I thought I'd come surprise you, I guess I came in a little too hard."
"Oh no, I just thought you were still at the lab."
"Welp, surprise. I got a lunch break, the first all week. I only do this for special things. And you, dear sir, are my main special thing."
"Aw, Carlos, you're such a flatter. Anyways, I really wanted to come see you work when I came over."
"But then how'd I have time to eat?"
"Breaks between things."
"I guess that's true but I want to focus more on you and eating than work. It's nice for some down-time."
"Alright, Carlos."
"If you want I can show you around a bit and then head to my office and eat there."
"That sounds perfect, I'm sorry I'm just really interested."
"You're okay, Cecil," he says and I lock our fingers in between each other and walk down the block and chat a bit, looking around and answering each other's questions. We arrive and we both order a bacon sandwich with loaded cheese fries as a side, and two large soft drinks.
I carry the large bag out the door and down the street next to Carlos back to the lab.
We enter his office and I set the bag down on his desk. "Mmm the cheese fries smell wonderful!" I peek in the bag and grab my sandwich. The employees were imported from different states, so they're used to making these with bread. They are programmed to think they're still in their hometown, when in fact they are not.
The illegal bread has been snuck past the Sheriff and his secret police, surprisingly, they didn't sense it. Most people these days pretend they don't know what it is. Some do not.
I sit on Carlos' desk, crisscrossed munching away at my sandwich. He sits in front of me in his chair staring at me and twisting his chair around. I "suddenly" notice him and give him a "what do you need, darling?" face. He understands and shrugs. I finish my sandwich and toss my wrapper into the trash bin, and let my feet hang over the edge of the desk. I stare down at him and peck his lips while he stared back at me. He smiled, and I gave one back in return.
I pull him into a passionate kiss, wrapping an arm around his neck. The kiss soon evolves, into shirts and pants unbuttoned, and the occasional sneak-up of a tentacle and mesmerization of my glowing tattoos that I have been cursed with since childhood. Something, an alarm, goes off. It makes a ringing noise, but it turns into a nose-bleed inducing sound. We sit in silence and wait for the alarm to stop. It does about two minutes later, Carlos, he's..okay. I mean he got a slight nose-bleed but he says he's fine. We stare at each other, clothes ready to be ripped off any second now. But still on us.
I hop off the desk and button my shirt back up, looking for my tie. I clear my throat. "" I say awkwardly as I buckle my belt again and tie my tie. Carlos fixes his flannel and jeans, blushing hard.
"I guess we were lost in our heads.." He says.
"Yep," I go into thought. "A deep, deep void that questions everything and anything. We wonder. We're curious. But we will never find out. We'll keep modifying and modifying.." I repeat and Carlos has to shake me to get me out of my trance.
"Yeah, I get it. I'm a scientist, Ceec." He chuckles.
I laugh with him. "Yeah, I know." I look at my watch and it reads 3 PM. We are late. But time doesnt exist so maybe I'm now. It'll be fine.. Station Management should be taking their 7th nap of the day by now so I could sneak past without a peep from them. "I have to run, darling. I'll see you later. My house?" I take both of his hands in mine.
He nods and gives me a smile and kiss. "See ya, Ceec." I smile back in response.
I walk out, too distracted in my thoughts. Thinking about Carlos. I didn't realise I am back in my computer chair again. Or was I here the entire time?

Mr. Scientist (Cecilos)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin