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After Cecil's rant about religion (which I found quite funny, I do not know why), we went out for a full breakfast (because after Cecil's secret waffle making left us still hungry).

On our little browsing spree for a diner or restaurant that isn't burned down or closed for the morning, we bumped into Old Woman Josie, who said "The Angels and I would sure love to make you breakfast, for two sweet young men such as you two."

Cecil covered his head and loudly hummed as he knew she would bring up some part of religion on a Sunday morning. I quietly chuckled at this gesture.

When he removed his hands and stopped humming, I told him she would love to bring us in and make us breakfast. He then smiled and accepted the offer.

So we followed her back home where she made us eggs and bacon, instead of what I craved, pancakes. But the wheat and wheat-by-products ban prevents us from consuming such food.

Cecil smiled at the response of the Night Vale citizens following the laws even though he knows that he doesn't. Sometimes.

After breakfast, I thanked Josie at the door, kissed her hand, and she said "No worries, boys. If you need anything the Angels and I would love to help out." I smiled, nodded and walked away with Cecil.

"Ugh her constant talk of angels," Cecil cringed.

"Cecil, please don't be so rude," I intervened.

"I'm not I'm just speaking my mind is all,"

"Well it's her belief and you shouldn't be so against it, support it, but you don't have to believe in it," Cecil was silent for a few minutes.

He intertwined our hands and changed the subject. "So Carlos, what have you been working on in the lab lately?" He is making mental notes, I can just tell.

"Oh right now we are just experimenting with the grey material we found in the watches and clocks. We are a bit worried about the time here in Night Vale, as it is behind the rest of the world's time. It perplexes me because of the Sun and the Earth's rotation around it." I babble. He nods along and listens carefully. "I've also noticed the changing of hue in the sky for the past few days, I have a recordings chart of the changes. Have you noticed it?"

Cecil is blank, nods one more time and waits for me to presume. So I do, we stroll around the town a bit, with Cecil interrupting every here and there to tell me a bit about everything. I don't mind, of course. But that has gone on for the rest of our day. With sky color changes that I observe, try to study, and continue to just stroll and have a good time with the beloved radio host.

Oh, perfect Cecil.

Mr. Scientist (Cecilos)Where stories live. Discover now