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I sit at my desk, dazed. I'm lost in my thoughts and I know I need to snap out or I'll obviously get caught and sent to Project-56. It's supposed to be a mental study here while you have to solve an equation and mix chemicals together that are labeled incorrectly, you have to figure it out on your own which chemical is which, every month it changes, it's supposed to make a strawberry plant that has no soul, no pit. Nothing. It's not supposed to exist, but you can see it. You can touch it, it's just not made of matter. But that was last month. I think. Isn't that what everyone's supposed to think? Guess so.
I eventually find myself pacing around the area in front of my desk in my little office. I pick things up and put them back down, I'm not even thinking about it. I'm just moving. Breathing.
I go into my drawer and pull out a fresh pair of blue elastic gloves and my goggles. I go down the hall from my office with my goggles under my arm and pulling on my gloves. I reach the door with the sign above it, printed in bold blue letters: L A B.
I enter the lab's decontamination chamber and let the chamber fill up with gas. I put in the passcode after the gas has vented out, and think to myself.
Okay, the watches and clocks have been in homes and with people for years. It can't be dangerous right? To breathe? But then again, I don't think anyone in this town is truly human. Maybe not even the interns. They seems okay, and no other scientist has been assigned this. Maybe I should run some tests from the imported test subjects.
I enter the Delivery room, where the new shipments have been placed and should be moved into our containment center soon.
The subjects are covered in a tarp; I pull out my phone and turn on the flashlight. I go to the end closest to the door. I grab a corner and lift.
A loud screeching surprises me in the quiet room. It sprays it's slimy spit and burns the wall behind me. My phone fell out of my hand and hit the door, the screeching stops seconds later as the tarp is covering it completely again.
I grab my phone from the ground and leave to get thick wool gloves, basically a fire blanket made into gloves, and a medical face mask.
I walk back into the room, with my flashlight on, slightly scared to turn on the lights. I put my phone in my pocket to where only the camera and light shows, giving me a hands-free light. Carefully, I lift the tarp, hearing a low growl, I lift it slower.
Stupid! Why would they put something like this in a metal cage? I'm surprised it hasn't broken through yet. I'll have to put it into a reinforcement box, I suppose.
The light hits the subject and it screeches softer, and it get lower, used to the light. It turns it's back. I lift the tarp all the way up. Inside, I see a rabbit-like thing. It's ears have two black spots on the tips and two lines following the spots on both ears. It's toes are spread, webbed and pointy..like frog feet almost. I grow perplexed. I must test this! I pull my eyes away from how it looks and pay attention to the pile of guts and blood in the back corner. Yep. You got that right. Bones and bloody and all. You can almost make out a half eaten eyeball. Which was funny because the case was only big enough for the one subject. I move to the next cage and see bloody drag trails. That thing must've pulled it through. Or tore it apart piece by piece..how?
I look through the bars on the side and see the rabbit thing is staring at me, with green eyes. I sigh. I'm going to throw up. The thing has fangs. I don't want to know what else. He's covered in blood.
Slightly scared to check out the others, I leave the room and lock the door. I hear chimes, time for me to leave. I almost consider staying just to see if I can test the thing, I made a promise to Cecil.
I go through the decontamination chamber and back into my office and type up my findings as I see the others pass my windows, some in pairs, chatting. I take off my glasses and rub my temples.
I'm not sleeping tonight. Maybe Cecil will make me forget it. Yeah, boyfriend time. But..why was the thing mutated? I only remember getting the animals that were safe from the old closing lab. I have to find out. I have to.
I hit save and I turn off my computer and tidy up a bit, putting the pencils back in a cup and lock it in a drawer, my papers into a folder. Soon, I pick up the phone and call containment and tell them what we have. He'll be put into a containment room to himself, seeing what he can do. I start to put everything in my bag when my phone rings again, I read who's calling, the boss.
"Hello?" I say tiredly.
"Carlos," He says. "that thing..is not in the records."
"I know. I checked."
"I'm assigning you to the subject, I need you to make a new discovery."
I laugh. "I kinda already did, and assumed I already was. But alright boss I'll get onto it. I already have Containment on getting him isolated."
"Great, I need daily video progression. I'll provide the camera and anything else." He says and hangs up. I sigh and pick up my bag, shutting off the light and locking the door. I continue down the hall, clocking out. I call up Cecil.
"Yes, Carlos?" He chimes.
"Hey, Ceec, are you still coming over?"
"Hah," he hesitates. "yeah."
I relax. "Okay, great. See you." I press the "End Call" button. I stop by the ice cream shop and get us ice cream and walk two more blocks to my apartment complex, running up three flights of stairs and finding Cecil sitting cross legged by my door.
"For us?" He points at the ice creams.
"Y-yeah," I stutter. "what are you doing here so early?"
"I get attached easily." He gets up and brushes himself off and takes his two scoops of vanilla and spoon. I grab my keys out of my pocket and unlock the door, throwing my bag to the side and plopping down onto the couch. Cecil leans back on the island and I sigh loudly.
"Stressful day?" He asks.
"Wanna talk about it?" I try to give him the summary of my day, which is difficult seeing it is full of spit and blood and near death experiences and death. He nods along. "Is this something that happens everyday?"
"Every other day. But yeah. I mean weird stuff, but weird stuff is usually in the records and this wasn't," I take a big scoop out of my ice cream. "So now I have to put it into the records; experimenting and all. It'll be fun. But dangerous."
  He laughs. "The only really eventful thing that happened today was the fruit baking competition that featured an eye orange, that turned out to be a real eye."
"Really? That sounds interesting."
"Yeah, but the children got sick, so not so good."
"Guess not. Maybe you can bring it in. I'm sure someone will take the assignment."
"Someone threw it over the gate of the dog park and it vanished."
After a while, we finished our cones and ended up laying on the floor facing each other just talking. Most of it was questions about the damn rabbit. Most of the responses were "I don't know" because of the lack of experiments. We sit in silence and I begin to doze off.

Mr. Scientist (Cecilos)Where stories live. Discover now