XiaoIl (requested)

244 11 1

Little ;; Xiaojun
Caregiver ;; Taeil


It's been roughly three weeks since little Dejun had last seen his caregiver. Taeil, his caregiver has been busy with 127's comeback and Dejun couldn't find it in himself to be mad at his caregiver when he was only doing his job. Taeil did try to send messages to the younger to check in on him. Dejun was grateful the older would. It's better than nothing.

Dejun has recently found himself in a bit of trouble. He didn't trust himself being alone when little so he's been avoiding any of his triggers so he wouldn't slip. The other WayV members were quick to notice and Kun didn't hesitate to contact Taeil.

Upon hearing what was going on Taeil excused himself from practice and made his way to the WayV dorm. "Dejunnie! Someone's here to see you!" Xiaojun walks out of his room and his eyes light up at the sight of his caregiver as he slips right into his headspace. "papa!" The little exclaims as he runs into his caregiver's arms. "Hi baby boy! Papa's missed you!" Xiaojun smiles brightly and hides his face in Taeil's chest. "dejunnie mithed papa wots n wots!" Taeil chuckles and the rest of the day is spent with the caregiver and little having the best time.

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