Chapter 35: Girly Girls & Murdered Boyfriends

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Jonah, Kyrbast, and Goutadge return first. Kyrbast gets to work mixing some kind of potion for the tooth I broke when I passed out in the vine. He's been giving me something for the pain, but I can't help but continually run my tongue over the jagged nub.

Kyrbast carves a mortar and pestle out of a nearby rock and hands it to me. I have a lot of experience grinding leaves. I loathe potions. He makes a few more bowls, and I'm jealous of his wand skills. Why didn't we bring him sooner? I hate it when the council's right. I grind until my arms can't take anymore. 

Qince and Solara return with two Koala hounds and more leaves. I show Qince how to grind herbs, so I can give my aching biceps a break. It takes a while for him to get the hang of it, but once he figures it out, he's much better at it than I am.

"You and Solara seem to be getting along," I say to make conversation.

"Yeah, she's amazing with a bow." I'm surprised Qince can praise an Elf.

"She's gifted with all sorts of weapons."

"Are all elves like that?" There's worry in his voice. It's obvious that the second son of the future Queen did not go to war.

"No," I say and laugh at my memories. "Rimley was terrible with a sword. He cut off the tip of his pinky toe. It was so funny."

"That makes me feel better," he says with a smile, but he's unable to enjoy the laugh. "I like Solara. The elves are not too friendly, but she's been very helpful. She's improved my shot quite a bit."

I remember the scary tension when Dathid arrived at Cromsmead. I didn't consider how Qince might feel, probably because there was a group of faeries, so he wasn't alone like Dathid was.

"How was it coming here? I mean Comsmead. Were the elves nice?"

"No," he says, but he reflects on his answer. "Only a few of them were openly hostile. Although most give their opinions freely about faeries in general and their Rising King."

"And what were their opinions?" I thought the elves had become more accepting of Dathid. He's not one of them, but they don't want to kill him anymore either. At least, I don't think they do.

"It ranges from begrudging acceptance to fiery hatred."

"Poor Dathid. I can't imagine," I whisper. I don't want him to hear us talking about him. Sometimes I get upset about the life I got, but fate dealt Dathid a far worse hand.

"Well, if he outlives his wife, he may live to see true peace. Everyone loves Galia."

"Were they mean to you?" I ask as I change out his bowl. There's enough herbs here to keep him busy until morning. I carry the crushed weeds over to the table Kyrbast made and grab a bowl of orange petals.

When I sit back down, Qince continues from where we left off. "No, none of them are openly hostile, which is what I expected. Most are overly friendly. It reads insincere. Although the Royals and Lordships, I forgot what they're called, seem sincere. Dathid has done some great work making inroads to a peaceful union. There are even a few that may like me."

"Really?" I say with a smile. "People like you?"

"Not smart people."

Our conversation meanders through our childhoods, our latest adventure, the people we know, and back again. He's read a lot of human books. He enjoys stories by Charles Dickens and wants to visit the place of snow.

"I like that humans remember us. I also like that they named their city after my clan," he says.

"It's a borough, and it's not named after you. It's a reference to the Manahata Indians," I correct. Faeries are already arrogant. I don't want him believing we worship them or something.

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